Website Management
This section is a treasure trove of website management tips. In this section, you will find out which is the best CMS for your website. Or whether you need a CMS in the first place. We also cover topics like how to update/upgrade your website painlessly and a lot more.
Ask AwardSpace: How to Do a Website Revamp?
It's a cold winter in the beginning of the 13th century. A poor man walks out of his house with an overwhelming enthusiasm. Today he's going to buy a brand new pair of boots. He's been saving for...
The 6 Greatest Blog Writing Tools that Every Blogger Needs
Shakespeare was undoubtedly an incredible genius to walk the earth. Nevertheless, was he to live nowadays he would highly appreciate the opportunities digital tools offer to writers. From stylistics...
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam (Not So) Wonderful Spam
Everyone that has ever had an email understands what the word 'spam' means. And most of us feel like we know where its current meaning originated from. And yes, it is related to SPAM meat. But not...
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Why are Customer Insights Important and What to Do with Them?
When you are running an online business, often different occasions appear when you have to adapt, you have to learn and improve yourself even if you are many years on the market. Everything evolves and changes fast, and you always have to keep the tempo if you want to...
Welcome to the Space Lift
It was almost exactly two years ago when AwardSpace started to walk a path that we hope will lead to you. We not only changed the design of our website but what is more important, created services that we hoped you'll love. Now, two years later, we found out that...
Web Design for Beginners – 10 Common Mistakes
“48 percent of people cited that a website’s design is the No. 1 factor in determining the credibility of a business.” This incredible statistic should be enough for everyone to understand the importance of investing time, effort, and capital in designers. And if you...
Why You Should Always Update Themes and Plugins
To update themes and plugins is like the annual technical check you do on your car. Or the change of the tires when they are old. Shortening your hair, reorganizing your home, cleaning your laptop, or any other necessary activity that people do is just mandatory....
Create the Best Product Page and Win Customers
Creating a product page for your website is not only a way to win customers but a way to present your products in a way that they can tell a story. They can attract, have an influence, and be meaningful to others. That bond that is built between you and your website...