Setting the correct timezone in PHP is crucial for ensuring that date and time functions in your scripts operate accurately. AwardSpace offers a range of hosting plans that provide easy management...
PHP Settings
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How to Disable PHP Error Messages
When running a PHP-based website in a production environment, it's crucial to disable PHP error messages to prevent sensitive information from being exposed to users. AwardSpace offers a variety of...
How to Enable Ioncube Loader
Enabling Ioncube Loader on your server is crucial for running encrypted PHP files. At AwardSpace, we understand the importance of a quick and easy setup process for your web hosting needs. Whether...
How to Log PHP Error Messages
In a production environment, it is often preferable to log PHP error messages instead of displaying them to users. AwardSpace provides various hosting plans that support comprehensive PHP...
How to Display PHP Error Messages
Debugging PHP scripts is an essential part of web development, as it helps identify and fix errors in the code. AwardSpace offers a range of hosting plans designed to cater to various needs, from...
How to Enable the cURL PHP Extension
Enabling the cURL PHP extension is essential for many web applications and APIs, allowing your server to communicate with other servers. At AwardSpare, we understand the importance of ensuring your...
How to set custom PHP versions for my domains
PHP, a server-side scripting language, forms the backbone of countless websites and web applications. With frequent updates and advancements, different projects may require different PHP versions to...
How to enable Imagick (ImageMagick)
In today's visually-driven digital landscape, the ability to manipulate images seamlessly is crucial for creating engaging content. Enabling Imagick, a powerful PHP extension for image processing,...
How to edit php memory limit
In today's busy online world, your website's performance is key for keeping visitors engaged. One essential way to improve it is by adjusting the PHP memory limit. By doing this, you give your site...
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Newest knowledge base articles
How to Find Modules in MediaWiki
After you install MediaWiki, log in to the CMS, and presumably install extensions, it is time to learn how to find modules in MediaWiki. What are MediaWiki Modules Modules in MediaWiki are Lua-based scripts that allow you to add various functionalities to your...
How to Fix MediaWiki Internal Error: A Step-By-Step Guide
MediaWiki Internal Error message can be very frustrating and can significantly harm your MediaWiki project. Luckily, the issue can be fixed in a few easy-to-follow steps to get your website up and running in no time. There are various causes for the issue: Incorrect...
How to Add Infobox Module in MediaWiki
The Infobox in MediaWiki is a handy tool for presenting content and key information in a structured and visually pleasing way. Infoboxes are useful for any kind of MediaWiki project and can provide your readers with a quick snapshot of important data and details. In...
How to Install a MediaWiki Skin
In MediaWiki, skins determine the visual appearance of your wiki website. Skins define how content is presented to users and include such settings for the overall website layout, typography, color scheme, and more. By default, when you install MediaWiki, the platform...
How to Create a Page in MediaWiki
Creating pages in MediaWiki is а core feature that allows you to add content to your MediaWiki website. Whether you are adding details for a project, contributing to a knowledge base, or anything else, learning how to create a page in MediaWiki is crucial for your...
How to Install MediaWiki Extensions
Now that you have installed MediaWiki and learned how to log in to the CMS, it is time to extend MediaWiki's functionality via extensions. MediaWiki extensions are sets of files that add various types of functionality to your MediaWiki website. You can use extensions...
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