WordPress Tutorials

Home » WordPress Tutorials

WordPress is by far the easiest way to create a website. And even so, building a website could be very confusing. That’s why in AwardSpace’s WordPress Tutorials, you will find the information necessary to create both simple and complex websites.

Check out our full guide on how to create a website with WordPress.

If you want to go step-by-step, the first thing you should know is How to Install WordPress. Once that is cleared, and you’ve installed WordPress on your chosen domain name, you’ll need to Enter the WordPress Admin Panel.

In case you already have a WordPress website, but you want to use AwardSpace’s WordPress Hosting, check out our article on How to Migrate a WordPress Website.

On the other hand, if you are not at all familiar with WordPress, we highly recommend you to check out our Start Here section and take the time to learn the terminology, so you’ll be able to use the CMS the right way. And furthermore, to understand the tutorials effortlessly.

NB! Don’t forget to Update Your WordPress

In this section of AwardSpace’s WordPress Tutorials, we’ll cover the basics of WordPress. Learn how to use the CMS from the ground up.

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16 Things You Need to Do Right After You’ve Installed WordPress

­There are several milestones that you’ll go through on your journey to crafting your website the way you want it to be. We’ve covered a lot of them in our WordPress guides. Still, there are things you need to do right after you install WordPress. In this tutorial,...

How to Add a Page to a WordPress Website

When building a website with WordPress, or in any other way, you ought to understand not only the system that you use (in this case, WordPress) but the basic website structure as well. In a few words, website pages are either Pages or Posts,  the differences between,...

How to Add Logo to a WordPress Header

There is no website being it based on WordPress or not, that is finished without a logo. Knowing how to add a logo to the WordPress website that you’ve created is like adding spices to your meal. It will make it all make sense, and the taste of it will be better for...

How to Use WordPress Text Editor

We’ve talked before about the Classic Editor of WordPress. More specifically, about its visual editor, which will probably be the one that you’ll use most often. Yet, as we already know, WordPress is a versatile and highly customizable content management system. The...

Keeping a WordPress site running smoothly may not be very exciting, but it is essential for all site owners. To make the process simpler, we have created the WordPress maintenance section that contains easy-to-follow guides on WordPress upkeep.

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How to Reinstall WordPress?

As you might know, WordPress is a free open-source content management system (CMS). It is also one of the most used CMS both by novice and experienced web developers. When you first start using WordPress, you will most likely experiment a lot with various plugins and...

WordPress Asking to Install Again

WordPress is a free Content Management System or CMS. It can be installed both on our Free Hosting and Paid Hosting plans. You can download WordPress from the official website here or you can install it with our Zacky Installer tool. In this article, we will review...

How to Find Broken Links in WordPress

The internet, as well as your WordPress website,  is built on the basis of links. Your SEO results are dependent not only on the number of links that come to your website but on the quality of your internal links. The latter means that you need to know how to find...

How to Add Google Calendar in WordPress

Whether you are maintaining a simple blog that you want to share with your website visitors when the next article is going to be published or have an event-oriented website, you (and your visitors) will highly benefit from a publicly available calendar. And while...

How to Delete WordPress Page

Sometimes you may want to delete a specific page on your WordPress website. These cases, although rare, do exist. And when you ought to do it, it is better to know how to delete the unnecessary pages on your website. The reasons may vary from not needing the page...

WordPress is very flexible when it comes to its design and functionality which is why we have created the Customization section. Here, you will find tutorials that will help you set up your WordPress site just the way you like it.

Latest in the category:

Best WordPress WYSIWYG Editor Plugin

If you've updated your WordPress to a version of the CMS that exceeds 5.0 Bebo, your default editor will be the new Gutenberg Block Editor, which may or may not suit your preferences and what is more - habits. Now, if you are reading the present article, you probably...

How to Customize the Scrollbar in WordPress

If you want to distinguish your WordPress website from all the others, you’ll need to take care of every little detail. One of the things that people are rarely customizing is the scrollbar of their websites. Of course, the users are comfortable with the same old...

How to Make WordPress Menu Open in New Tab

Did you know that WordPress menus can be set in a way that will open any of the menu items that you want in a new tab? This could be beneficial for your website, and by extension for you in a number of ways. Say, you have a business partner, or another associated...

How to Change Your WordPress Timezone

​Knowing how to set the timezone of your WordPress website will save you from a lot of trouble when it comes to post scheduling. If your website’s timezone is not the correct one, you may find yourself in a situation where a post that you expect to be published at a...

How to Add Disqus to WordPress

As we’ve mentioned time and time again, WordPress is highly customizable website creation solution. You are not, and never were, enforced to use one specific method to get your site to the position you want to. Let’s talk about the comment section. You might want to...

WordPress is a complex content management system that requires a bit of maintenance to run smoothly. And so, we’ve created the Optimization section where you’ll find tutorials on keeping your WordPress site in top shape.

Latest in the category:

How to Update WordPress Theme

Updating the theme(s) that you are using on your WordPress website is not only about getting new features but also ensuring the safety of your online entity. Now that you've built your website with WordPress, you ought to take care of it, so that it won't fall victim...

How to Update WordPress Plugin

WordPress is ever-changing and growing. As most of the users of the CMS are using plugins to add the functionality they need to their websites, the plugins are also being updated by the developers. Updates are necessary as much for your websites to be up to date with...

How to Fix the Too Many Redirects Error in WordPress

The following tutorial provides information about the Too Many Redirects Error in WordPress. It also includes screenshots and possible solutions to the problem.   Why Am I Experiencing This Type of Error? WordPress is a complex content management system that is...

Do you want to turn your WordPress site into a full-fledged e-commerce store? If so, then the WooCommerce section is for you! Here, we’ll show you how to use the WooCommerce WordPress plugin to build an online shop from the ground up.

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How to Connect WooCommerce to Facebook

For as soon as social media is around, social media has soon been used to encourage internet companies. In reality, many of Facebook's characteristics developed around the concept of encouraging online business. The devoted brand pages intended to promote online...

How to hide out of stock products in WooCommerce

Any WooCommerce shop that sells physical goods will have some kind of inventory management to cope with. Fortunately, stock management functionality is built into WooCommerce by default. The use of inventory controls in WooCommerce is a significant component of...

How to add Amazon Products to WooCommerce

In this tutorial, we will show you how to easily add Amazon products to WooCommerce. We will also discuss our specialist advice on increasing the income of your Amazon subsidiary. Ready? Let’s get started.   What is an Amazon Affiliate Store? An Amazon affiliate...

How to set Minimum Order Amount in WooCommerce

Setting a minimum order amount in WooCommerce implies your clients need to add products to their shopping cart and achieve a specific order value to proceed with checkout. If you offer cheaper products in your shop, the shipping cost may sometimes be more than the...

How to Display WooCommerce Products by Category

Displaying WooCommerce Products by Category is an essential way to enhance the navigation of your store. Clear browsing is critical when it gets to eCommerce since it enables your customers to be able to quickly find what they're searching for and make quick...

Protecting your WordPress website from hackers is essential, especially if you run a business or store sensitive information. To help you with this task, we have created the Security section. Here, we will show you how to harden your website and keep hackers away from your data.

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How Do I Enable HTTPS on a Site Running WordPress 5.7 or Later?

What you need to know: A new feature in WordPress 5.7 and later allows you to quickly enable HTTPS on your website. The option is found in your Site Health settings. You just need to make sure that you have a valid SSL installed beforehand. WordPress has long...

Limit Login Attempts in WordPress

Last week we covered how to limit WordPress dashboard access, but there are some cases in which this is not exactly the best way to protect your website. Maybe you are not the only one that is working on it, and there are a lot of people that are accessing it, or you...

How to Secure Your WP Admin Panel

We all know how important it is to keep our electronic data safeguarded and private. As cyber-attacks continue to grow rapidly each day, so is the need to fight against those malicious attempts. Having the right tools in hand can significantly reduce the risk of...

How to Limit WordPress Dashboard Access

Let’s face it, the world is no safe place. And when you are creating a website, you are using a strong password for a reason. You, understandably, want to be the only one to enter your WordPress admin panel. And to do so, there is probably no more securer step to take...

How to Install SSL and HTTPS on a WordPress Site

In this tutorial, we will provide information about SSL, including instructions on how to enable HTTPS in a WordPress application.   What Is an SSL Certificate? SSL was originally developed in 1994 by a company called Netscape. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer...

In this section of AwardSpace’s WordPress Tutorials, you will learn the everything about the Gutenberg Editor.

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Gutenberg Tutorial: How to Move Blocks in WordPress

What you need to know: The WordPress Block Editor allows you to move blocks up and down the document structure in order to rearrange the content contained within those blocks. The most popular way of moving blocks is by dragging a block from one position and dropping...

Gutenberg Tutorial: How to Add a Block to a WordPress Post or Page

What you need to know: WordPress allows you to add blocks through the Gutenberg Block Library. You can access the Block Library by clicking on the “+” button in the Top Toolbar or one of the “+” buttons scattered throughout your document. Then, add a block to your...

Gutenberg Tutorial: Deleting a Block in WordPress

What you need to know: You can delete a block in WordPress by selecting it and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can press the three-dot button in the Contextual Toolbar to access the Remove block option. Lastly, it is also possible to...

Gutenberg Tutorial: Using Block Patterns in WordPress

What you need to know: A block pattern in WordPress is a group of two or more regular WordPress blocks. These blocks come in a sensible layout that you wouldn’t need to modify in most cases. Instead, you just need to add your own content to the block pattern. You can...

Gutenberg Tutorial: Using WordPress Reusable Blocks

What you need to know: Gutenberg features reusable blocks that allow you to quickly insert the same content with one click. You can mark any block or block pattern as reusable. You can find your reusable block collection in the WordPress Block Library. Have you ever...

Learn how to fix the most common WordPress errors.

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WordPress 404 Not Found

WordPress is a commonly used CMS and can be installed both on our Free and Premium hosting plans. The “404 Page not Found” is also a common error every website owner would run across. Luckily, fixing the error is a simple task and could be done by everyone. In this...

How to Fix Error 503 Service Unavailable in WordPress

Ah! Now that you’ve created a website with WordPress, you can lay back and relax, and enjoy the child of your efforts, and constant searching in the free online WordPress guides. Suddenly, one day, you decide to check your website, and what you see is not relaxing....

Create your WordPress website today!
