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What PHP Functions are Disabled on Free Hosting Accounts?

The following PHP functions are disabled on free accounts due to system/security reasons: allow_url_fopen fsockopen pfsockpen getrusage get_current_user...

What is the Maximum PHP Memory Size Limit that AwardSpace Supports?

The PHP memory limit on the free hosting platform is 32MB and cannot be changed or exceeded. On a premium server, you can maximize your available memory...

What Happens When my Hosting Account Reaches a Traffic Limit?

If you reach the traffic quota for your hosting account, the website will display a message that your account is over the quota. When your account is...

How to fix the “Message count quota exceeded” error?

Emails are an important part of every web hosting. This is why we provide mail services for all hosting plans. However, in order to prevent our mail...

Free Hosting Content Filtering and How to Resolve 403 Error

You have created a free account with us, added a domain and created a website. However, one or more of your pages return a 403 error and you can find...

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