MySQL/PostgreSQL database connection can be established with script/software hosted only on your web hosting account (meaning no remote access is allowed due to security reasons). The following settings are needed: DB Host: The hostname for your database server DB...
Database Management
How to Access Database via the Hosting Control Panel?
To access your database follow these steps: Log in to your hosting control panel Open the Database Manager Click on the link for the phpMyAdmin for your MySQL database or the phpPgAdmin for PostgreSQL. A new page will be loaded in a new tab where you need to enter...
How to Fix “Warning: mysql_connect(): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)”
The reason for this warning is due to the fact that you are using localhost as the hostname for your database in your script. Please note that localhost is used only when your web and database are located on the same server. On our hosting platform, the database is...
I am trying to access MySQL via the SSH command line, what is the path to MySQL command via SSH?
To connect to your database via SSH using the following command: mysql -h db_host_name -D db_name -u db_username -psomepass You can find the necessary information inside the Database Manager of your hosting control panel.
The SQL Server is Rejecting any INSERT Queries. Why?
Please note that some of our hosting packages have a set limit for maximum database size. If you have reached the limit, the SQL server will reject any inserts. You can check the current disk usage from the Database Manager inside your Hosting Control Panel. For more...
Why in phpMyAdmin there is an error message “You have no privileges”?
The only privileges that your database does not have are CREATE DATABASE. If you wish to add new databases, please use the Database Manager.
Is the InnoDB Storage Engine Supported on AwardSpace’s Servers?
The InnoDB storage engine is supported on our hosting plans. You can change the storage engine for your table via phpMyAdmin. You can access the phpMyAdmin from the Hosting Control Panel > Database Manager. Once you are in the Database Manager click the phpMyAdmin...
Can I Manage my Database Created Through the Hosting Control Panel from my Personal Computer?
Access to the MySQL and PostgreSQL servers has been restricted on all shared hosting plans. If you want to manage your MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, please do so from the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin sections from your Hosting Control Panel -> Database Manager.
How can I export a database using phpMyAdmin?
Log into phpMyAdmin from your Control Panel->Database Manager section using your Database Username and Database Password. Once you are inside the phpMyAdmin application click on the Export link and choose to export the database in SQL file. Last you should click...
Domain & Subdomain Management
What is a Domain Name and Do I Need One?
A domain name is the unique name of your website (like,, etc.) that differentiates it from the other sites on the Internet. The domain name is the address of your website. You can move your domain name (entire website) from one host to another.
How to Purchase a Domain Name?
To purchase a domain follow these steps: Log in to your Hosting Control Panel Open the Domain Manager Choose the Register a Domain option Enter your domain name If the domain name is available for registration proceed with your purchase. If you see that the domain is...
I signed up for your service however I wasn’t able to see my assigned subdomain/URL anywhere inside my control panel.
Upon the creation of your account, we have not assigned/created any subdomain. You should create one yourself i.e. from within your control panel, the Subdomain Manager menu. Once you create a subdomain the system will automatically create a...
How to Use my Already Registered Domain Name with AwardSpace’s Web Hosting Services?
To set up the domain with us, add the domain through the Domain Manager menu, inside your hosting control panel. Once added a popup message will appear with instructions and our name servers. You need to point your domain to the specified NS settings (Name Servers)....
Can Someone See my Personal Information I Provide When Registering a Domain Name?
When you register a domain name your contact details are recorded in the so-called WHOIS database - that maintains the contact info for all active domains. A domain's WHOIS info is publicly available as per ICANN regulations. If you feel upset exposing your contact...
Is There a Way to Hide my Personal Contact Information When Registering a Domain Name?
Yes, you can hide your personal contact info to reduce the chances of identity theft and data mining by purchasing Domain Privacy Protection. This service replaces your details with alternatives to save you tons of spam and telemarketers. If any important information...
How Can I Change the Path to my Domains’ Content?
While the default domain's path is /home/www/, you can change it for your convenience to point the path to any other domain or subdomain of your account. Thus the content of the domain/subdomain that is pointed as a path will display on the primary...
How to Change the Custom 404 Error Page for my Domain?
You can change the default 404 error page of your domain(s) only if you utilize a paid account. You need to follow the steps: Login to your Hosting Control Panel. Go to Hosting Tools > .htaccess generator. From there select Error Handling and then choose Set Custom...
How do I manage my domain’s MX, A, Cname, SPF, TXT, SOA records?
Once you have added your domain to your hosting account and you have changed its name servers to be our default one, you will be able to manage the DNS records for the domain. To do that follow these steps: Log in to your hosting control panel Go to the Domain Manager...
Email Management
How can I set a quota for an email account?
To assign a quota to an email account, you should follow the instructions below: Log in to your Hosting Control Panel Go to the Email Manager Click on the email account for which you would like to increase the quota Open the information tab and change the quota for...
What is a mailbox?
The physical folder where your incoming email messages are stored.
What will happen if I delete a mailbox?
Deleting a mailbox will delete the selected mailbox along with all email aliases, and e-mail filters assigned to it.
How can I create an email account?
To create an email account follow the steps below: Log in to your Hosting Control Panel Navigate to the Email Manager section Once inside the Email Manager fill out the form and create your email account Please note that in order to create an email account on our free...
I can’t send emails. All outgoing emails are being rejected. Why?
Please double-check the settings used by your mail client for the email account for which you are experiencing this issue. You can also check our detailed guide regarding issues with sending emails here.
POP3/IMAP settings to configure an email client?
To configure your email client correctly, you need the following POP3/IMAP settings: Username: Your email address Password: Your email password POP3/IMAP Server: (for paid clients) or (for free clients) SMTP Server:
“Outlook is unable to connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue receiving this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).”
First, make sure you have checked in the account properties of the Outlook Express / MS Outlook the option "My server requires authentication". Please note that if you are using a different email client the settings might be different. If not, proceed to the following...
I can’t send emails. It seems that the POP3/IMAP connection is not working.
In order to check, whether your email client does connect to POP3, please follow these steps: Open Command Prompt from Windows -> Start button -> Run -> type "cmd", a black dialog box will open the so-called Command Prompt For premuim hosting clients type:...
I am unable to use the PHP mail() function from my premium hosting account, why?
Here is a script example you can test PHP mail function with: <?php $to = ""; $subject = "Hi!"; $body = "TEST"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $headers .= "From: You...
Fair Use Policies
What PHP Functions are Disabled on Free Hosting Accounts?
The following PHP functions are disabled on free accounts due to system/security reasons: allow_url_fopen fsockopen pfsockpen getrusage get_current_user set_time_limit getmyuid getmypid dl leak listen chown chgrp realpath link exec passthru curl_init For further...
What is the Maximum PHP Memory Size Limit that AwardSpace Supports?
The PHP memory limit on the free hosting platform is 32MB and cannot be changed or exceeded. On a premium server, you can maximize your available memory resources by modifying your php.ini and increase the memory_limit to the value required by your website.
What Happens When my Hosting Account Reaches a Traffic Limit?
If you reach the traffic quota for your hosting account, the website will display a message that your account is over the quota. When your account is over the quota FTP access will be restricted (The File Manager section will also be disabled). Note: The traffic...
How to fix the “Message count quota exceeded” error?
Emails are an important part of every web hosting. This is why we provide mail services for all hosting plans. However, in order to prevent our mail services from being abused, we have some restrictions. In this article, we will go through the error “Message count...
Free Hosting Content Filtering and How to Resolve 403 Error
You have created a free account with us, added a domain, and created a website. However, one or more of your pages return a 403 error and you can find out what the problem is. In this article, we will talk about what is causing it and how to fix it. What...
Which PHP Functions Are Disabled on the Free Hosting Plan?
Ever since its inception back in 2003, AwardSpace has been known for its outstanding free hosting service. Over the years, the free plan has seen multiple improvements, bringing new features and functionality while still preserving the free price tag and ad-free...
Free hosting image linking restriction
What Does Hotlink Protection Mean? By default, all Free shared accounts have Hotlink Protection enabled. This means that any image file hosted on our Free hosting platform cannot be accessed directly in a web browser. This restriction is in place to reduce the risk of...
FTP & File Management
What is FTP and FTP Client?
FTP is the abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. FTP Client is software that enables you to upload files remotely and easily to your hosting account by simply drag-and-drop the files and folders, then they all are queued until successfully uploaded.
How do I Upload my Website?
You can upload your website files either via the File Manager or an FTP client. Please note that if you decide to upload your website via the File Manager you will not be able to upload any directories and the maximum upload file size is 15 MB. If you would like to...
How to Download an FTP Client if You Don’t Have One?
We recommend you to use the FTP client FileZilla. You can download it from their official website.
The Correct Settings to Establish an FTP connection?
You can find the settings for your FTP client by going to the Hosting Control Panel > FTP Manager. You can then click on the FTP account which you would like to use and open the Information tab. There you can find all the necessary information for the FTP client....
How to Delete, Rename or Move Files or Directories?
Our File Manager comes with the option to delete/move multiple files/directories as well as the option to rename such. To rename a file/directory simply select it and click on the Rename button. To use the delete/move option simply select the files/directories which...
How to Change Permissions (CHMOD) of a File or a Directory?
Same as moving, deleting, or renaming, you can change the permission for a file/directory via the File Manager. To do that select the files/directories for which you would like to change the permissions. After that click on the Permissions button and set the...
Can I Edit Files via the Control Panel?
Our Hosting Control Panel comes with a File Manager that offers all the Basic options a File Manager would need. To edit your files simply go to the File Manager and double-click the file which you would like to open. Alternatively, you can click on the file which you...
How to Upload Files Using the File Manager?
To upload a file via the File Manager follow these steps: Go to your Hosting Control Panel Navigate to the File Manager Open the directory in which you would like to upload your files Drag and drop your files or click on the Upload button and select the files from...
Are there any file size limits for Both Free and Premium Hosting Accounts?
The upload limits are as follow: For the free hosting plan the maximum upload file size is 15 MB both for the File Manager and FTP. For our premium hosting plans the upload limit for the File Manager is 15 MB. For the FTP there are no limits for the maximum upload...
What is GDPR?
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation which is a directive (rule) adopted by the European Parliament (in 2016) and aims to control the processing and collecting of personal data of individuals (data subjects) based in the EU.
According to the GDPR, What is Personal Data?
“Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an...
As a Customer of AwardSpace, Where is my Personal Data Stored?
All data is stored in our data center in Bulgaria, European Union.
When Did the GDPR Come Into Effect?
The General Data Protection Regulation became effective on May 25, 2018.
Who Falls Under the GDPR?
GDPR applies to all organizations and entities that hold and process the personal information data of EU individuals. In other words, any company (no matter its location/if it resides inside or outside of the EU) that collects and processes data of EU residents must...
Do UK Companies Need to Comply with the GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation applies to all companies based in the EU and those with EU citizens as customers. It has an extraterritorial effect, so non-EU countries are also affected. If UK companies have EU citizens as customers they will still have to...
Are There any Fines/Penalties for Not Complying with GDPR?
If you want to create a business website that has customers in the EU, since the 25th of May 2018, you ought to comply with the GDPR, as there are significant penalties if you fail to do so. The maximum fine/penalty for companies and organizations that do not comply...
GDPR Data Rights
EU individuals are subject to the following rights: The right to be informed - EU individuals are given the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. The right of access - it gives EU residents the right to access their personal...
How Can EU Individuals Make a Data Subject Access Request?
If an EU individual wants to access, update, delete, restrict or transfer their personal data, they can make such requests verbally, electronically or in writing. Organizations must respond efficiently to such requests in a timely manner (within a period of 1 month...
General Questions and Answers
I Didn’t Receive a Welcome Email. What should I do?
If you did not receive a welcome email inside your inbox within a few minutes please check your SPAM folder as well. Although rare, it is possible that the welcome email which we have sent you is blocked or greylisted by your mail provider. If you do not receive the...
How to Upload a Website to Your Hosting Account?
To get started, you will probably want to upload your site and test it on a free subdomain. Please go to your control panel Domain Manager menu and create a free subdomain on any of the domains you are allowed as options in the dropdown menu. You will notice that a...
“This domain still has no index.html page uploaded!” and How to Fix it?
The page which you see is our default index.html which is automatically added when you create or add a domain/subdomain from the Domain Manager. To stop seeing this page you will have to upload your own index page inside your domain/subdomain directory. You can upload...
Can I Edit my php.ini Settings and/or Switch the version of the PHP?
The PHP version can be changed on all of our hosting plans including the free one. You can make this change from the PHP Settings page inside your hosting control panel. However, php.ini can be changed only on our paid hosting plans. Here are the prices for our...
What happens if I Lose my Username/Client ID and/or Password?
If you remember your account client ID and email you can use the password reset feature from the lost password page. If you do not remember your client ID you can contact us via the Sales Live chat or email to and we would be happy to assist...
I Uploaded my Website but it Doesn’t Show up When I Try to Reach it Through a Web Browser.
First things first, it is important to understand whether the browser response is "Server not found" or it forwards to the browser's embedded search engine and the response is "No results found for...". If you get these types of responses and you use a domain make...
Website Based on PHP has Difficulty Displaying the symbols £, €, etc. When text is Called from a Database, How Can This be Fixed?
Here are several things you need to set up in order to have these signs displayed correctly: - Inside your control panel, phpMyAdmin should be set to the following Unicode standard: 'utf-8'; - Meta tags on all pages should be: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"...
Enable Zend Ioncube Support for your Web Hosting Account?
This instruction applies only for paid hosting accounts and requires you to EDIT the php.ini file. Once you have opened the php.ini file scroll at the bottom where you will find a similar line depending on the PHP version you are using: ;zend_extension =...
How to Unzip Files Directly on the Server?
There are three ways to extract .zip files directly on the server: The first one is by using SSH -> Run the following command over SSH: unzip The second way is with a PHP script. -> Create file unzip.php in the current directory where your zip file...
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If you need any questions answered, don't hesitate and contact us. Click the button below and follow the instructions. You can expect an answer within an hour.

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How to Log in to OpenCart
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How to Install OpenCart
You can install OpenCart on every AwardSpace web hosting plan, including our free web hosting, shared hosting, and advanced AwardSpace services such as Semi-Dedicated Hosting and VPS hosting. Keep in mind that all of the AwardSpace hosting services are tailored to run...
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