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AwardSpace.com Subdomains will be Discontinued

by | July 1, 2018

Dear customers,

As a pioneer in the Free Hosting industry, we at AwardSpace have been trying to present you with more and more options for you – our valued customers – to host your website and thus communicate your idea or business to the world.

Not only we are providing a free hosting service, but we also understand the necessity of our users to have not only hosting but a domain name, as well. That was our motivation when we started the offering of free subdomains which accompanies our free hosting service.

We’ve always focused our efforts in the direction of allowing you to create a personal website, tell your story, and ultimately to express yourself in the manner that is closest to your soul.

One of the subdomains that we’ve been offering for near a decade was a .awadspace.com subdomain.

With time passing by and the constant shifts that the web as a whole goes through, we’ve figured that while the number of the subdomain.awardspace.com registered is increasing our Awardspace.com domain’s performance on the web is decreasing.

Mostly due to the changes in the algorithms of Google, which are penalizing websites with a large number of subdomains devoted to many and different topics.

Therefore, the more subdomains of this kind were created, the weaker our position in the search engine result page was becoming, which means fewer people will be able to create their website at absolutely no cost.

Bearing these consequences in mind, we’ve stopped the service a few years before the present article — all the already created websites on the subdomains registered before our decision were left intact.

For a long time we’ve tried to outperform all the websites located at our subdomains, but as of today, our marketing team has decided that it will be better for everyone if these subdomains are discontinued.

That way, we hope, our positions at the SERP’s (search engine result pages) will get back to its normal positions. Which means more people will be presented with the opportunity to receive free hosting service, and thus, to express themselves.

With sorrow, we have to announce that the DNS record’s of all subdomains, located on subdomain.awardspace.com will be discontinued at the beginning of 2019.

Fast Questions and Answers

AwardSpace knows that you’ve put effort, time and care to create your websites. We’ve tried to figure out the most common questions that may occur out of this notice.

Here are the questions, and their answers.

What will happen to my website?

The process that will suspend the subdomains will only affect them. Meaning, the DNS’s will be deleted, and the subdomains won’t be accessible anymore.

Still, the files of your websites will be left intact. Thus, you’ll be able to register another subdomain and to move them there, which will, in most cases, make it so, that your website will run from the new domain (or subdomain) that you’ve chosen.

I have another subdomain, registered with AwardSpace(i.e., a subdomain which is not .awardspace.com), do you plan to suspend this service as well?

As noticeable from the first part of this announcement, we’ll only discontinue the service of subdomains, which are part of our domain – awardspace.com, due to the reasons, already mentioned.

Therefore, no other subdomains will be discontinued.

I have a free account, that has a .awardspace.com subdomain, will AwardSpace suspend my account as well?

Your free accounts will be still up and running, even after the procedure is finalized. There won’t be any free accounts that will be discontinued. (except, of course, the ones that are violating our Terms of Services).

Can I register another subdomain?

Every user will keep his (or hers) rights to register another subdomain, as long as it is not a subdomain.awardspace.com.


At the beginning of the year 2019, all the subdomains located on our primary domain – awardspace.com – will be discontinued.

  • All website files will be still present in your hosting account, and you’ll be able to transfer them to another domain or subdomain.
  • No accounts will be suspended.
  • Only .awardspace.com subdomains will be discontinued.
  • You can register any other subdomain of the presented in the Control Panel.
  • AwardSpace will continue to offer free hosting service.

AwardSpace will continue to be next to you. And you can contact us with any question that may occur.

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