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AwardSpace is evolving. Changes you’ll love!

by | May 3, 2017

We in AwardSpace believe in science and evolution. We believe in hard work. We believe that dedication is the one and main cause of success.

Our ancestors evolved from monkeys to what is now known as homo-sapiens thanks to their hardships, namely – lack of food. They were dedicated to survival and even the highest fruits and the biggest predators didn’t stop them. There was no ground on the Earth that they were unable to conquer, no alligator they were unable to overpower. Thanks to their dedication, now we are what we are.

We in AwardSpace are no different, thus we are absolutely dedicated to offer the perfect hosting service. That’s why AwardSpace evolved. That was thanks to you – our clients. The evolvement was made for you and thanks to you! We are here to say a big-fat-messy Thank you! Thank you for your trust, for your own dedication, for the tons of successful projects that you’ve created on our servers. Thank you for being our clients! There is no any better way to say thank you, than for us to evolve alongside. A better office, better servers, better service. That is just a part of what we’ve created for you.

AwardSpace.com has a new, modern and clean design

We know that the point of our service is for you to have a trustworthy partner while making your own website. On the other hand, we couldn’t allow our website to continue looking outdated. In order to be an inspiration, a role model if you will, AwardSpace.com needed to evolve altogether with your businesses, blogs, and websites. Enjoy!

AwardSpace launched a blog

Information is crucial. That’s why we’ve decided to do the best we can to keep you – our customers – informed. Now we have a company blog, which will be frequently updated. This blog is dedicated to you! Here we’ll do our best to inform you about the latest trends, news, tips and tricks and techniques which you could implement while crafting or maintaining your website. How cool is that?

WordPress Hosting Solution

Since WordPress is the most used CMS in the world right now, we considered you’ll love what we’ve created. A WordPress Hosting Solution perfectly designed for your needs. Whether you are about to build a small personal website or giant enterprise one, we got your back. You’ll be still able to choose between Shared, Dedicated or VPS Hosting service, so you can take just as much as you need. Nothing less, nothing more.

WordPress Tutorials

Never used WordPress? You don’t even know what WordPress is? Still, you want to create a website?

Well, WordPress is probably the best way to do it. No matter if you are experienced web developer or a novice – WordPress is the way to go. That’s why the first tutorial we’ve created is WordPress Tutorial. Of course, we understand that you may want to use another CMS, we’ll take care of that too. You can soon expect Joomla Tutorial. And afterward, a few more CMS will be covered.

We’ve evolved, but we’ll never change

Yup! Evolving is nice! On the other hand, we know where we started from. We know that more than two and a half million people are counting on us. Our clients are important to us, thus we’ll never change to something we are not. No matter how much we evolve, we’ll never remove the features that make us what we are. Namely – Free Hosting, Low cost Shared Hosting Solutions, the Reseller Cluster and of course our Affiliate Program.

Enjoy what we’ve created for you!

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