What do zombie survival kits, Justin Timberlake’s French toast and a jar of the air have in common? You can buy them online. As a matter of fact, you can buy almost anything online.
With the physical stores turning into exotic destinations, e-commerce blooms and prospers with each passing day. So what is it about online shopping that makes the world go crazy?
If you’ve heard about the eternal world of e-commerce and are ready for the beginning of your own personal adventure, keep reading to find out how to create an e-commerce website using WordPress!
Having an entrepreneurial bone in your body is a gift you shouldn’t neglect. Especially when starting a business. Creating a space for it where you can actually indulge in quality content is essential.
Keep in mind that people could buy the products you sell from anyone , but they’ll choose you for the unique experience you have offered to them. That’s what e-commerce is about.
Now let’s see how to give life to your ideas in the following three simple guides:
- What is WooCommerce and how to install it?
- How to add products to your website?
- What kind of content to include on your e-commerce website?
1. What is WooCommerce and how to install it?
Essentially, WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that lets you add products, receive payments, and offer shipping on your website.
First of all, make sure you know how to add a plugin to WordPress before you proceed. Then, follow these 8 steps:
- Find WooCommerce and click Install.
- Activate the plugin.
- Start the Setup Wizard
- Get to know the main terms in WooCommerce and click Continue.
- Choose where your store is located and what currency you accept. This will help with your shipping and payment settings. Click Continue.
- Choose weight and dimensions units and click Continue.
- Choose the payment methods that you’ll accept. Make sure to choose at least two options. Click Continue.
- Your store is all set! Congratulations! Now you can create your first product!
2. How to add products to your website?
Now that you’re ready with setting up the plugin, it’s time to add your very first product. Keep in mind that at any point you can come back and edit your product’s characteristics. You can also change the names of the pages and categories. If you’re new to WordPress in general, you can check out these Beginner WordPress Tutorials.
Now, you’ve already decided on the product that you’re going to sell but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. if you’re aiming for an incredible user experience, you need to go deeper. High-quality pictures and a short and compelling description can go a long way for your sales. Let’s go through the process step-by-step.
- Choose a name for your product and write it under Title. Make sure that the name is descriptive but not too long.
- Write a Description. Here it’s a good idea to include both: physical/technical characteristics and some kind of “advice” for the potential buyers.
- Upload Product’s Image. Imagine that this is your product’s profile photo and just like yours, it needs to be representative and flattering at the same time. Don’t choose photos from a specific angle or from far away.
- Upload Product’s Gallery. Here it’s better to have various distance and angle pictures so that your customers can get a better idea of the appearance of the product. Don’t overdo it! Five pictures are more than enough.
- Include the Price and Shipping Options that you prefer. You can also add a product on sale by inserting a Sale Price.
- Add Product’s Categories and Tags. Make sure the categories include the type of the item that you’re selling and the tags – part of the description – material, type, size, etc.
3. What kind of content to include on your e-commerce website?
At this point, it’s just a matter of time until you fill your website with enough products and pages and it starts looking like a “real” one. Make sure you have a neat menu that’s not too overwhelming for your customers. You can achieve it by dividing the products into categories instead of pages. Another useful piece of advice is to follow a certain style– whether we’re talking about colors, descriptions or pictures. That will make your content appear much more coherent and user-friendly.
Now it’s time to focus on your content. If you’re looking for building a brand, adding value to your website is vital. The term content can be extremely fluid varying in the different e-commerce websites. Nevertheless, there are some basic tips you can follow on your journey to the creative approach.
- Know your target group. Even though you might think that this is an obvious must, you’ll still be surprised by how little you’ve discovered it. Think about their pastime, their social and economic status, and their hopes and dreams. This will be the foundation of your forthcoming content.
- Be helpful. Now that you’re aware of all of those features of your users, it’s time to become their assistant, their confidant who will be a trusted companion on their way. The ways to do that are to create various helpful content including: tutorials, how-tos, videos, and blog posts.
- Be inspiring. Inspiring a group of people is one of the hardest things to do. Drawing a mental sketch of those people, however, will help you understand their aspirations. Inspiration comes in different forms: social media images, videos, and general messages you send through your brand. Keep in mind, that people buy emotions in the first place, and only then- actual products.
- Be real and present. Showing your customers that there are real people behind the e-commerce they’re purchasing from makes their experience much more fulfilling. Sneak-peaks from the “kitchen” through pictures or videos on social media goes a long way. Also, don’t forget to have a page on your website dedicated to the team where your users can see your faces and stories. Quality customer service also contributes to your image of trustworthy people.
In the 21st century, where the whole communication has turned into a couple of keyboard clicks, what makes a brand stand out is the personal approach. When people feel and experience a human interaction in the most mundane acts in their life such as purchasing a wallet, they will return to you. And they’ll recommend you. And they’ll bond to you and your brand. That’s when you’ve achieved your goals as a seller and as a brand.