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10 Best Minimal WordPress Themes for Photographers

by | September 4, 2017

Minimalism has spread around faster than the fidget spinner craze and it is no wonder that it’s one of the biggest website trends for 2017 as well.  Following the rule “less is more” turns out to show wonderful visual results regarding the web design and we believe the trend is here to stay.

As you already know, building an Online Portfolio is absolutely crucial for every photographer and part of that is choosing the right theme for your website. If you, just like us, are all about that aesthetically pleasing minimalism, keep reading. We’ve collected the 10 best  WordPress minimal themes of all time.

To begin with, we’ll present 5 completely free themes that you can install on your WordPress website. Make sure you know how to install a WordPress theme before you proceed as that’s the foundation you’ll need for the upcoming information.

1. Piclectic

Picletic Theme

Piclectic is the theme that we recommend if you’re going for that clean and neat look. In a gallery like that the viewer is not distracted by anything while browsing through your photographs as the theme is as minimal as it gets. Highly customizable, Picletic offers a great display for your photography portfolio.


  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu

2. Ragnar

Ragnar Theme

Ragnar is a graphically polished solution that is incredibly professional and visually enthralling. The theme offers to your visitors a smooth experience and an easy content consumption. It’s extremely suitable for blogs and portfolios.


  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu
  • Clean and responsive design

3. Amadeus

Amadeus Theme

Named after the masterful genius, Amadeus provides a smooth user experience for your blog. The posts are listed one below another which makes the layout clean and neat. As you would expect Amadeus is here to offer some really classy typography accompanying its sharp design.


  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu
  • Clean and responsive design
  • Social Icons

4. Draft Portfolio

Draft Portfolio Theme

Draft Portfolio is extremely suitable for photographers, designers and illustrators as it offers a grid gallery design. Bold and modern looking, it provides a great display for your portfolio work.


  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu
  • Clean and responsive design

5. Charmed

Charmed Theme

Highly customizable, Charmed is the right choice for any artist willing to show his work. Its responsive design is what allows your users to have a trouble free journey through your work. If you’re on the hunt for a free minimal theme, make sure to check Charmed.


  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu
  • Clean and responsive design
  • Social Icons

If at this point you’re still looking for something a little bit more than the regular free neat design, we present the best 5 paid minimalist themes you need to take a look at.

1. March

March Theme

March is the first promise for spring. No wonder that this theme offers such a fresh and clean design for your artwork. Minimal and responsive, March is a great way to improve your web presence through a blog or portfolio.


  • Minimal, Responsive Design Multiple Portfolio Styles
  • Theme Customizer Support
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Beautiful Typography
  • Content Focused
  • Translation-Ready
  • Jetpack Contact Form Ready
  • Header Image Ready

2. Kora

Kora Theme

Kora   is what minimalism is all about – a sharp design combined with extremely pleasing  and visually satisfying experience.  Kora‘s customizable  settings serve as a great display for the unique and creative features that your portfolio possesses.


  • Minimal, Responsive Design Multiple Portfolio Styles
  • Theme Customizer Support
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Content Focused
  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu

3. White

White Theme

Is there anything more minimal than the lack of color? White proves that the absence can speak louder than the presence. The theme balances masterfully creative freedom with clear design.


  • Minimal, Responsive Design Multiple Portfolio Styles
  • Theme Customizer Support
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Content Focused
  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu
  • Animate elements
  • Blog Single Page

4. Uncode

Uncode Theme

In the kingdom of minimalism Uncode is the queen. Not only is it perfectly sharp and bold, but it also offers endless possibilities for customization according to your purpose. Designed with terrific attention to details and performance, Uncode is the best recommendation you can get for your portfolio theme.


  • Minimal, Responsive Design Multiple Portfolio Styles
  • Theme Customizer Support
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Content Focused
  • Custom Background
  • Custom Colors
  • Custom Menu
  • SEO optimized
  • Single Page Menu

5. Kalium

Kalium Theme

Kalium is a multilayered theme offering a perfectly smooth design combined with incredible typography and flexibility. It’s been number 1 choice of photographers for the past two years as it has been showcasing their work in the best way that they could’ve imagined. Well organized and visually stunning, Kalium is the way to go if you want to go above and beyond web design.


  • Visual Composer (included)
  • Revolution Slider (included)
  • Layer Slider (included)
  • Product Size Guide (included)
  • One-Click Demo Content Installer
  • Rich Theme Options
  • Custom Skin Generator
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