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8 Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress For Your Next Website

by | July 11, 2017

Whether the site you are about to create is your first web project or just another one, we would highly recommend you to use WordPress.

‘Why should I use WordPress’ – you might ask.

Well, WordPress is the most used Content Management System (CMS) in the world. We are also using it. Of course, you don’t have to use anything just because we’ve decided to use it.

We’ve picked some of our top reasons to use WordPress as main CMS. So, here are the top eight reasons why you should use WordPress when building your next website.

1. WordPress is an Open Source CMS, thus it is Absolutely Free

Open Source means that the building code of the CMS is free and accessible to anyone.

That doesn’t make it vulnerable, neither the security of your website is threatened. Just the opposite. A lot of people are taking care of the task to make WordPress not only more user-friendly but also more secure.

Everybody can download and change the code, but not every change is accepted by the WordPress team. Thus, not every change will make it to the next update. Also, for those changes to make a difference to your website, you should update to the new version.

You can download, install and use WordPress without paying a cent to anyone at anytime. And we are talking about a system that is preferred by major media companies around the world. You get that for free. How good is that?

2.  WordPress is Comprehensible for Everyone

Everyone can use WordPress. Everyone can build a site with it. It really doesn’t matter how many sites you’ve already built.WordPress is made as easy for developers as for nontech users.

Of course, when you enter the WordPress Dashboard for the first time, you could be overwhelmed, to say the least. Once you find out what is what in the CMS you’ll go with it with ease. WordPress is written in language that humans can understand. In other words, for you to use WordPress, it’s not necessary to become a coding Jedi (not even a Padawan).

3. WordPress is Highly Customizable

The design of your WordPress website depends especially on the theme you are using. The plugins that you are installing can, of course, change it a bit more but that’s all. The theme, as the name suggests, is the predominant element determining your website’s layout.

But (there is always a ‘but’) pretty much all of the themes, especially those you’ll probably use, have a lot more to them, than a single layout. Of course, the simpler the theme, the faster the website building will be. On the other hand, the simpler the theme, the fewer customization options you’ll have at your disposal. We love customization options and we believe you do too.

WordPress is highly customizable. If you are familiar with specific coding languages – it is fully customizable. If not – you will most likely be able to change the following:

  • Background color/ image
  • Page layout
  • Font colors and size
  • Footers and headers
  • Site identity
  • Menus
  • Widget area

4. With WordPress You Can Create Virtually Anything

From a magazine to a news media website. From e-commerce shop to a catalog. From business card to a personal blog. From one-page event website to a travel agency. From restaurant to school… you got the point. You can create any type of website by using WordPress. You just need the right theme, a few plugins, and a drop of vision.

WordPress is even trusted by a number of worldwide known companies as The New York Times and National Geographic.

5. Responsiveness

You know what? It’s 2017 now. That goes for almost ten months already. It’s nearly 2018. Thus, if your website is not responsive, you are like a decade behind the competition.

Not only Google is taking the website responsiveness into account when they calculate the position of your website not only the organic search results but also in paid search results(a.k.a. AdWords campaigns). A responsive design is really crucial if you want to make an impact and for people to know that your site exists.

WordPress also cares for that. Most of the free themes are responsive. Same goes for pretty much all of the premium templates(themes).

6. WordPress is Frequently Updated

WordPress is frequently updated. Thus, you won’t miss the trends.

When the flat design trend came out, WordPress was ready for it.

When the smartphone market exploded and all the site owners needed a responsive design for their websites, WordPress was there and ready.

One by one all of the themes are going to become(if they are not already) responsive. Of course, WordPress is not perfect. But all those updates and upgrades are positioning it pretty close to such a place.

7. WordPress is Secure

You may or may not have heard about the Panama Papers. In essence, it was another leak of e-mails. The attackers used a weak spot in the code of a plugin. Now, as far as this is a possible scenario you need to know a few things. There are a lot of trustworthy plugins that are designed to protect your website. Use them. Also, keep your website, theme, and plugins up to date.

WordPress is really secure but nothing and no one is able to guarantee you won’t get hacked. This is why you need to take care for your website by protecting it with plugins, protect your customers and the people that trust you with an SSL Certificate, and we’ll back up your website, just in case.

But, on the other hand, thanks to such cases, the security of WordPress becomes better and better. Not only that but since the CMS is Open Source, there are a lot of people that are downloading it and trying to find its weak spots, in order to inform the people who are responsible for the CMS maintaining. And a new update follows.

8. Unlimited Plugin and Add-ons Base

By using WordPress you’ll have access to thousands upon thousands of themes, plugins, widgets, and Add-ons. As we discussed, you’ll be able to customize your website the way you want. There is currently no other CMS with such rich option of Themes and Add-ons.

WordPress is widely used. That means a lot of people will use the plugins and the themes, which on the other hand will motivate more and more designers and developers to create themes and plugins and, respectively, new users will come.

This is an upward spiral. WordPress will continue to have an abundance of plugins and themes. And more and more people will use the CMS… You got the idea.

Bonus: Not only that WordPress is rich оn plugins and themes, it’s secure, responsive, customizable and free, but we from AwardSpace have made a perfect WordPress Hosting Service. Also, if you are just taking your first steps in the world of websites and you want to know more about WordPress, we’re maintaining an ever changing and ever evolving WordPress Tutorials.

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