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Does Blogging Help with SEO [2018 Edition]

by | September 19, 2018

Blogging. Such a vague concept and yet, so increasingly popular in the digital community.

And while the peak of blogging seems to have past, many keep mentioning it as a method to increase ranking today. As a matter of fact, experts swear for its efficiency in search engine optimization.

Furthermore, some of the largest corporations have lately embraced this new trend by incorporating blog pages on their websites. It almost seems that everyone online believes in the magical power of the written form.

Today we are asking ourselves: “Does blogging help with SEO?”. Most importantly, in case it does, how so?

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Understanding Content

Before we move on to inspect the relationship between blogging and ranking high on search engines, it’s essential to understand what content is.

In terms of the binary analysis of content and form, the discussion dates all the way back to Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Opposing substance and essence, the Greek philosopher analyses this innate duality of things.

Thereafter, in the context of art criticism, the opposition of form and content comes to distinguish between the object and the subject of the work. The concept of form usually refers to the style and techniques used. On the other hand, content is what is being depicted in the artwork.

Does Blogging Help with SEO

Fast forward to contemporary media and the concept of content acquires a whole new definition most of us are already introduced to.

When it comes to publishing and communication, content is the information and experience created for an end-user or audience.

When dissecting this definition into small comprehensible portions, the relationship between the content itself and marketing becomes quite apparent.

With regard to the content being information, features like practicality and functionality come to play a grand role. Moreover, today’s communication is based on information and media caters to this need through the use of content.

As to it being an experience, it’s worth mentioning its impact on the end-user. Outcome-oriented, content is essentially a pursuit of a certain objective. Achieving it will mean providing the expected experience to your audience. In this sense, users’ experience of a brand’s content is what defines it as successful or not.

Finally, the content is inherently bound with the audience. Its main functions are dictated by the demand of the target group of a certain informational or experimental value. All of this is present in contemporary blogs.

This leads us to the main question. Does blogging help with SEO?

So, Does Blogging Help with SEO?

Blogs have a wide range of benefits on a website’s overall performance and it’s not surprising. Most of the contemporary companies have started blogging and registered a huge traffic growth.

To be honest, the war for information has long left the pages of the books and has come to reality. In other words, today is the time that content and knowledge is treasured more than ever before. And what better way to serve it online than blogging?

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Some of the most important advantages of maintaining a blog include increasing brand awareness, updating users with innovations, and sharing your expertise.

And while all of this is clear to a certain extent, a question remains. Does blogging help with SEO?

Here, essentially, there are two points worth considering. While blogging definitely does assist your SEO, its efficiency is twofold. It can either directly impact SEO or do that indirectly as a side-effect to its other functions.

Direct Impact

Search engines recognize and use in their algorithms a number of signals through which they rank websites on a result page. In other words, you have a great power to send these signals to search engines themselves and thus, affect your own SEO.

This direct impact you can have on ranking is also ensured through blogging. It essentially allows you to:

  • enhance optimization through on-page SEO
  • feed search engines fresh content regularly
  • increase the volume of your pages, thus keywords
  • create semantically coherent content

All of these functions that blogging entails help directly impact SEO and cater to the requirements search engines have for a well-groomed website.

Indirect Impact

The way people interact with your content once having visited a certain page is vital. The different types of behavior can inform about the quality of your website. Any sign that you provide a relevant resource is treasured when aiming to optimize a website for search engines.


Here, blogging can have an immense authority and positively impact your audience’s behavior.

  • People click through other pages as well. When they land on your website after performing a certain search, people have several options to undertake further. They can return immediately to the SERP, they can read through and then close, or they can remain on your website by clicking on other pages. When done right, you can retain visitors for as long as possible through blogging. This is, undoubtedly, a strong signal to Google for the high quality you have to offer to visitors.
  • Receiving backlinks from other websites. Backlinking is the bone of off-page SEO as it has the capacity to demonstrate your relevance and appreciation by other websites. When you provide informative and useful content, you are much likely to receive a backlink as a reward.

Both of these ways can and do impact search engine optimization in an indirect manner. They allow your visitors to interact and inform both you and engines of your content’s effectiveness.

To Summarize

The impact content has on contemporary marketing is colossal. However much this keeps being repeated, it will always be an underestimation of the exact power that content has.

As a wonderful representative of this content-craze trend, blogging has the capacity to offer multiple benefits for both, creators and users. Through direct and indirect SEO, blogs have proven to increase a website’s traffic, retain already existing visitors, encourage inbound links, and improve ranking.

If all of this is not an incentive tempting enough for you, consider the following. Each person in your audience is a human being looking for informative and ppurposeful content, something that can come in handy or simply make them smile.

In order for you to be relevant to each of these human beings, it’s worth considering blogging as a wonderful way to provide this content. After all, it’s the end-user that makes the rules of marketing.

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