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Convert Organic Traffic into Loyal Customers and Grow Your E-Commerce Store

by | July 18, 2019

Convert Organic Traffic into Loyal Customers and Grow Your E-Commerce Store

In order to run a successful business online, there are a few steps that are mandatory in order for an entrepreneur to reach his or her goal. First, of course, is the creation of something worthy – trusting good free web hosting or paid services, making a website from scratch, and designing it.

Secondly comes the attraction of traffic – paid and organic. Various marketing campaigns, advertising, and search engine optimization, all for the sake of traffic.

And then, it’s time for you to convert your traffic into loyal customers that come back to your website and trust you. To do that there are a few important points that you need to acknowledge and take care of. Because loyalty doesn’t come easy, does it?

Here are our tips on how to convert organic traffic into loyal customers and grow your e-commerce store!

Product Descriptions

Writing good product descriptions is a process that needs to be fulfilled with care, thoughtfulness, and strategy. What most professionals in the field of marketing like to say – storytelling is a must. When it comes to writing product descriptions telling a story that compels, provokes emotions, reactions, and talking, turns everything in a message sent right.

Furthermore, it’s significant to have a strategy before you start writing to know how you will later convert everything to customers that come back on your website. This means when you are writing, think of what would users want to read for them to be sure they can trust you to become loyal.

Their time on your website is as precious as it is yours, so make it worth it. When they land on a page of yours, you need to keep them interested and to provide whatever it is that they were looking for. How to do that?

More Than Keywords

When you choose keywords and try to optimize for the search engines, the most important matter becomes the intent they have for a certain word and the results for it. When they write down “white shirt with black stripes” be sure that’s what they want to find. Don’t take advantage of words just because their volume and difficulty are suitable for you.

Another idea for what you can do to make sure your website visitors will come back on your website and convert, is providing them proof. This could be, for example, photos from other customers, or text reviews, stars rating, or else. Whatever you choose, comforting them is one step in the direction of trust.

Think About the Design

Any traffic that comes to your website – organic or paid, should be equally valuable for you, and you should try to keep those users. To keep them on your website though, you need to make sure you provide smooth navigation for them as well as easy access.

You might not think this is not that important but statistics show that users won’t go back on a website where they couldn’t find what they wanted, they weren’t navigated well and got lost, or wandered too much. Not only this will affect your bounce rate but it will be defining for their decision to come back.

Create the Sense of Urge

Speaking of design, there are a few more actions that can be taken in order to keep your loyal customers on-site. And one of the most important ones is the creation of something urgent.

This can be successfully fulfilled by call-to-action buttons, pop-up ads, or impelling headlines, timers, and etc.

There are different approaches on how to create that sense, but whichever you choose, it works.

And it does because people feel like they don’t want to miss something, they don’t want to make a mistake of not taking advantage of something extraordinary. Like a promotion that is only active for five more hours!

Take Care of Your Customers

Another important point of converting organic traffic into loyal customers and growing your online business is actually taking care of your users. Attracting them and convincing them to buy should be your only concerns. If you want them to be really satisfied, they would need for you to go the extra mile.

This means providing dedicated customer support, helping them when needed, answering their questions, and being there for them. They should now it’s not something that works automatically and everything is pre-developed, rather than that they need to feel there are actual people behind this business, and they care.

Achieving that would be easier if you took care of them as you would want someone to do for you. Always track your response rate, update your FAQ page, and try to help your customers in any way possible. This will bring you one step closer to actually gaining loyal customers and building a trustful community that you are proud of.

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