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How to Create a Free One Page Website in 3 Steps

by | December 21, 2018

Free One Page Website

Contemporary websites serve multifaceted purposes incorporating versatile functions to cater to the new generation of web users. This is not surprising considering the vastness of the available information online and the attempt of web projects to retain the audience on their pages for as long as possible. From entertainment to education, from direct interaction to product information, myriad pages occupy visitors’ attention in their effort to serve relevant and enthralling content.

In an environment like this, creating a free one page website might seem like an unreasonable enterprise. There are, however, multiple reasons why one might need a single page website to represent his content. Whether you create a resume website or you exhibit your portfolio, a single web page can go a long way in conveying a concise and powerful message.

We’ve prepared the 3 steps to take to create a minimal free one page website in the age of a chronical digital sensory overload.

1. Get Free Web Hosting

Getting a free web hosting today can appear to be easy on the surface but way too often companies apply a number of limitation for non-paying users. While this might seem like a fair deal considering the lack of investment, it’s still worth looking into what companies offer as free plans and compare their features.

At AwardSpace, we take great pride in offering a completely free web hosting service which we’ve managed to keep without charge for over 14 years. We’ve worked hard to offer features which other providers would typically include in their premium plans. Through this, we still have customers who have been using our services for over a decade without investing a dime.

And when it comes to a free one page website, it seems quite obvious that this plan will comply with your needs perfectly. Some of the core features include:

  • 1 GB web space. A single page will more than certainly require much less than a gigabyte of disk space. Therefore, your website will be hosted easily with a free plan.
  • 5 GB monthly traffic. The monthly traffic is measured by the number of users who visit your website throughout a month. As a just starting website, your free one page will probably make great use of this feature.
  • 24/7 support. Many providers will offer priority support to their paying customers and neglect the free users. With the AwardSpace free hosting plan, however, users are taken care individually and throughout the whole day every day of the week.
  • 100% ad-free. Advertisements are a way for companies to make money out of non-paying users. Nevertheless, our plan is one-hundred-percent ad-free forever!

Choosing the right free plan is half of the work and will ensure your further trouble-free experience.

Do I need web hosting for WordPress?

2. Register a Free Domain

Free domains are a largely discussed topic often having their cons overweigh their pros. One of the main reasons for this is the increased security which browsers and websites have for free domain extensions. This, however, is a reasonable measure to keep the web secure considering how easy the creation of malicious websites is through the use of a free domain.

Nevertheless, an eventual domain transfer can be a quick solution once you decide you’re ready to pay for a premium extension. Prior to that, creating your website with a free domain is a quick way to get you started. The .dx.am extension is the one you can use to get your very own domain name for the tempting price of zero dollars for life.

Once you’ve signed up for free web hosting, to register your desired free domain, enter your web hosting control panel where you’ll find a drop-down menu named Domain names. From the menu, choose the Register Domains button. Thereafter, click on Register a free domain and type in the desired name of your website. Voilà! You’re done and now you can install a CMS.

3. Install Your Chosen CMS

Once you’ve gotten a hold on your free domain, it’s time to choose a CMS to install. This is an easy solution for those of us who do not consider themselves tech savvies but in case you could develop the website yourself, you can easily skip this step.

To install your desired CMS, go to your control panel. Hover over the Hosting tools drop-down menu and choose Zacky Installer. Select the preferred content managing system and click Next. Then, you’ll need to choose your already registered domain as the home for your CMS and put in the name of your future website and your admin credentials. That’s it! Now you’ve not only registered a completely free domain on a free web hosting plan but also managed to install a CMS for under 3 minutes!

What’s next?

At this point, once you have your domain and your CMS, the free one page website is already a fact. What you’ll need to do further is choose the most suitable free theme for your needs. If you’ve installed WordPress this is as easy as it can be with their selection of beautiful free themes you could use. Building a website vertically means incorporating those web design trends which will allow visitors to want to scroll further. Keep in mind that even though it’s a free one page website, you can still create a menu that scrolls down the page to improve the user experience.

Anything that appears online and most importantly, that manages to attract audience serves a purpose. Carefully considering how to create and deliver a concise and yet powerful message can make the difference for your free one page website. Later on, what is left is dedicating time and passion into maintaining a web space people will enjoy visiting.

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