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Promote Your Business in a Slow Period? Yes!

by | February 25, 2020

We all know those periods when things are not moving, you feel stuck, and no one seems to be acknowledging you. Every business has those times. And we know it can be worrying because customers don’t interact with you but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything about it. Quite the opposite! There is a way to make things better and boost some sales. And yes, by promoting your business.

Now it’s time to give you some insights on how to do it right and what exactly you can take action for in order to promote your business in a slow period. Yes, it is challenging, but it is also exciting if you give into it the right way. Here it is.

First, Have a Sale

Of course. If this is not your first year, you probably already know that there are some months when it’s simply slow. People are having winter or summer vacations, they are focusing on studying in the autumn, or any other time of period your target audience is experiencing. So, what you can do is lower prices and attract people with promotions.

To make things interesting, play with your products or services. Offer some unique selling propositions. For example, two-for-one promotions, half prices, free trails, give something extra, or anything really. You have the freedom to think of something that you think it might work.

However, don’t forget to clear the purpose of your promotions. There are roughly two main lines of having a special offer – you want to raise brand awareness or you want to boost sales. The two can be accomplished in different ways.

First, if you are seeking promoting your business in general, try email marketing campaigns to reach real potential clients. Furthermore, some interesting advertising in social media channels and online platforms will raise interest in you.

And second, if you want to boost sales, any good promotions will help you do it. You can display on your website a ribbon, you can dive into Google Ad Words, or Facebook Ads. Just make sure you are offering something people can’t say no to.

Offer a Discount or a Free Trail

Slow periods are not exactly the times you like to spends lots of money, but it is, however, necessary if you want to encourage purchases. Now, if your business is providing services, you can consider offering an act of good will and provide free trails or discounts.

This won’t slow you down, as it is already a slow period, but it will give people the glance of your work that they might need to further subscribe or sign up for your services.

Offer a Complementary

Giving people the chance to win something or to feel special by getting a compliment with a product or service is a great way to build up your marketing. Not only you can get people to engage more with you but they will feel connected. You can send special discounts, prizes, or encourage them to buy something by getting something extra. Your slow period will allow you to provide some free services or products so that your year-around business can benefit. It’s the time when you make an effort but it leads to attracting more customers.

That complementary can be at no cost for you or worth the sacrifice in order for you to strengthen the relationship between you and your customers.

Is Your Website Up to Date?

Don’t forget some technical details that can slow your business. is your hosting plan the right one? Are you missing out on some keywords that you should be targeting? Improve your content and positioning and you might find yourself at a better conversion time.

Don’t forget to also check for some reviews and comments users have been leaving for you. This is essential to a good positioning of a website and people trusting it. Encourage your users to rate your services and products, to comment on social media, and share positive feedback that will look good for you and might stimulate your sales in no time.

A slow period can challenge any business but by tackling it ahead of time, you can develop ways to improve your business in both the short and long term.

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