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Ask AwardSpace: Why Do You Charge More For The Second Year?

by | March 28, 2018

In a culture saturated with meaningless advertising and deceitful slogans, trust has been replaced with caution and suspicion. Oversensitive to consumerism, people are more hesitant than ever to put their trust into a brand fearing a snake in the grass.

While the world does seem to be heading towards the realm of distrust and hypocrisy, every now and then we are reminded that hope is to be found in those companies whose priorities seem to be at the right place. And if the market needs to be changed in order for these priorities to prevail, then maybe that’s what will eventually happen.

A Brief History of Free Hosting

In that environment of distrust, 14 years ago a company offering a completely free product emerged on the market. As a pioneer free web hosting company, AwardSpace had a hard task to achieve.

We had to demonstrate that our services were exactly what they claimed to be – free of charge. And most importantly, free of banner ads injection! The project took its time to develop and earn the trust of the users whose websites started evolving and flourishing day by day.

Thereafter, once the needs of our community exceeded the natural limitations of free hosting, we knew we had to develop premium services to meet those needs. And that’s when we introduced our first paid plans.

The Premium Hosting

Offering premium services bears a certain responsibility uncomparable to those of freebies. That’s why we had to make sure to deliver the cutting-edge technology of the new age to the web hosting plans we prepared.

Three new types of web hosting emerged as we grew our premium services:

To provide and maintain premium services with high-performing features, there’s a necessary link in the chain: dedication. With our team growing and gaining expertise, our products quickly achieved higher performance and wide appreciation. We had followed our mission.

The Mission

At the time when the internet was still not what we know today, the founders of AwardSpace had a certain idea of what they want to see it become. To give everyone who desired to have a digital presence a free entrance to the online world was the goal we’ve worked hard to achieve.


In the era of virtuality, something quite tangible as money could be a turning point for someone’s future. That’s why we created free hosting: to allow every single person who wished to give his online presence a try have the chance to do so for the tempting price of $0.00. 

From business projects to portfolio websites, anything could be crafted out of our free web hosting plan.

Once we introduced our premium features for those who had already achieved a certain web progress, we wanted to keep our prices cost-effective and affordable to our large international audience.


That’s why we kept our regular prices the lowest on the market and they remained unchanged and will never rise in the future of our company.

And that’s because of the simple reason that we persist in the value of an open webOur current regular prices for Shared Hosting are as it goes:

  • Basic Plan: $0.25/mo
  • Web Pro Plus Plan: $7.57/mo
  • Max Pack Plus Plan: $9.83/mo

These are also the prices upon renewal. But there’s still something that keeps puzzling our users and there’s a question that keeps popping up every now and then. Why do we charge more for the second year? / Why do we charge less for the first year?

So Why Do We Charge Less for The First Year?

As I said, we’ve always strived to maintain our prices at the lowest range in the industry. That, combined with high performance and experienced Technical support, has earned the trust of over 5 million users over the course of time.


Despite our low prices, we know how scary the first steps on the web might be. People are insecure about their own capabilities let alone their will to invest in web hosting. We had to come up with an option for those who wished to have premium features and not simply free hosting.

Aware of that, we’ve been offering exclusive prices for first-year users equaling the cost of a cup of coffee. Thanks to it, more people gained the courage to give their wildest dreams a try and enter the digital world. Throughout the time we saw them grow, develop their own communities, and even earn a living online.

Inspired by those people, we’ve been regularly offering promotions for most of our web hosting plans aiming to include those who wouldn’t otherwise dare to start their online presence.

Once the year passes, those who have been successful in their web enterprises can renew for a regular price with more confidence than before. Introduced to the specifics of the web hosting provided by us, they can securely put their trust in our services once again.


In the world of tech, every day brings a new advancement which contributes to the overall development not only of the web but of the world in general. Thereby, the future is, quite literally, already here as I’m writing these lines.

Every company offering a digital service has to be aware of those changes and yet be able to maintain some general values over the course of time.

We’ve already mentioned how our achievement of maintaining the same prices is really important to us. We’re not only referring to our past but also to our future. While incredibly low prices remain our specialty, we make sure to combine our interests with those of our users. And when those merge, that’s when a business has achieved true success.

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