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How to Choose a WordPress Hosting in 2018

by | December 4, 2017

80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Is it because of people’s unrealistically high expectations of themselves or because of the deceiving burst of enthusiasm the New Year brings? It’s hard to tell but the fact is that resolutions are hard to maintain.

As opposed to resolutions, predictions are a much safer peek into 2018. With WordPress Hosting becoming a leader in the past year, our forecast on its future is bright and serene.

What is a WordPress Hosting?

A question we get asked a lot is: What exactly is a WordPress Hosting? Can I get a, say, Semi-Dedicated WordPress Hosting?

To answer these questions, it’s essential to inspect the essence of WordPress itself.

WordPress is a content management system which can be installed on any hosting plan you choose depending on your needs. So, in two words: Yes, you can have WordPress on Semi-Dedicated, VPS, and Shared hosting plans.

Then, what is a WordPress hosting plan after all?

WordPress Hosting is a hosting plan optimized for WordPress websites. Thus, the control panel, the security measures and all of its features are crafted specifically for the needs of a WordPress user.

What should I look for in a WordPress Hosting?

As we’ve said there are multiple options when choosing the right hosting plan. In fact, there are usually so many listed features that after spending 2 hours looking at them, you feel more lost than ever.

While it might seem like too much information to handle, making an informed choice is a must in 2018.

Web literacy has become a vital quality for business management, art creation, and everything in-between and it only seems right to make an in-depth research when purchasing a hosting plan.

So what should you pay attention to when examining the different WordPress hosting options?

  • Cost Efficiency
  • Comprehensibility
  • WordPress Support
  • Website Security
  • Performance

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Cost Efficiency

A quick disclaimer! Here we’re not talking about cheap products but rather about products with a winning quality-price ratio.

Approaching your WordPress hosting as an investment will set a clear goal for your upcoming website. Investing a certain amount of money means that either you’re intending to get a profit out of it or it’s worth the value.

A low price means that you’ll be able to distribute your expenses in a smarter way. Thus, giving the opportunity to small businesses and entrepreneurs to start what they’ve dreamed of with a minimum budget.

Most importantly, it turns out that a top quality WordPress Hosting service and an outstanding performance are completely compatible with prices lower than a cup of coffee.


As we’ve said, there are multiple options when choosing the right hosting plan for your WordPress website.

Something to keep in mind, however, is that a WordPress hosting plan is built specifically for the needs of people who prefer simplicity and comprehensibility.

Take a sneak peek at the control panel of our very own WordPress Hosting. As you can see, comprehensibility and usage facilitating have been our main priority when building it. Thus, making your web hosting experience much more pleasant.

WordPress Support

Obviously, every now and then you might need help when dealing with WordPress websites. Even though the CMS is becoming easier to use with each passing year, it’s still possible to come across a stumbling block.

Working with a provider whose customer support team is specifically trained for WordPress support will ease your troubles significantly.

Experienced support needs to be a top priority when choosing a hosting plan as communication is still the only road to a successful product.

Website Security

Having an online presence is inevitably tied to some security threats. One of the worst ones is spam.

Learning to deal with these threats is important as soon as you set your mind on creating a website. That, however, sometimes is not enough.

Choosing a web hosting plan offering you the necessary protection can save you from many troubles. Look for the following characteristics when researching the right plan for  you:

  • Shared SSL
  • SPAM/Virus Protection
  • Secure Shell Access
  • Firewall Protection


Performance is why you got all of this started. All of the above matter only when the performance is top-notch.

With 99,9% Uptime, AwardSpace has been one of the most trusted web hosting providers for 2017. Our family has grown significantly and we’ve been rewarding our users for their trust with an impeccable web performance. Speed has also been a priority in the previous year and will remain one in 2018.


With the New Year knocking on our doors, it’s time for appreciating everything we’ve accomplished and shoot for more in the upcoming 12 months. Starting a new website means giving a chance to new projects to bloom and prosper. And choosing the right hosting for that is part of the fun.

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