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How to Write an E-book That Converts

by | August 31, 2018

As of right now, I am writing an E-book, the goal of which is to help our Free Hosting users. The content of the book will stay hidden until the book is published. But while creating the book, I figured it may be immensely useful to our blog’s readers, if I shared the process behind, and thus, the answer to the question ‘How to Write an E-book?’.

It’s one of the most natural things for a person, that has accumulated knowledge, to try and share it with others. And in our day and age, it’s easier than ever before to give what you know to the world. That, of course, goes with higher competition and thus, in theory, it will be harder to reach your targeted audience. But there is always a place for well marketed (promoted) valuable content.

And especially if you have a personal website, or are a proud owner of a popular blog, you will have your own platform, with your own audience, waiting to download your e-book and dive into the well constructed and designed information that you are eager to share.

How Writing an Ebook Could Boost Your Website’s Traffic

It was not that long ago when E-books got in the focus of internet users and became ‘the best thing since sliced bread’. The possibility to give and get information on the price of a few megabytes was quickly favored by internet users, and marketers figured out the opportunities that E-books weres creating.

Since then, E-books became probably the most preferred ways to get leads and amplify sales.

The main tactic goes as follows:

  • Create a valuable E-book oriented towards your targeted audience
  • Promote it as a free E-book
  • Get the email addresses to the people that are downloading the book
  • Once they’ve subscribed, you’ll be able to execute your email marketing strategy.

This is how you get clients through writing an E-book.

Of course, there is a possibility for the E-book to be the only thing you are selling. In such a case there is no economic sense to give the book for free…duh! And the books people are paying for, more often than not, are larger, more valuable and has content that is not so easy to obtain otherwise.

E-book Writing Tools

There are a lot of word processing tools out there. Sometimes it’s harder to decide which one to use, then it is to choose the book title (which is a lot harder than you might think).

Depending on what your skills are, some will be easier for you to understand and use, and others will take you some more time.  In the end, it will be worth your while to learn how to use some of the more sophisticated ebook writing software.

Here is a list of ebook writing tools that you may end up using. Some of these tools are free, and some of them are paid.

  • Microsoft Word – Paid.
  • Google Docs – Free. You need Google Account
  • Open Office – Free.
  • Adobe InDesign – Paid.
  • Adobe Illustrator – Paid. The Illustrator software was not created with the intent to be used as E-book writing tool. Yet, it has the ability to achieve that task.
  • iBook Author – Free. The format of the books that you can create with iBook Author will only work on Mac and the iPad.

Sign up for FREE now!

How to write an e-book

When creating an e-book there are some main factors that you definitely should consider.  Namely, the audience that you are targeting with the book, how exactly you will promote it, and the title.

Let’s examine each of them in a little more detail.

Your Target Group

When starting even something as simple as a blog, you need to know who is it for. Who will read your E-book?  Who is it for? And why these type of person would be interested in reading it?

If you are not familiar with the people you are targeting, you could get lost in the writing process and to forget why you are writing the book.

Audience Segmentation

You understand that the E-book is not just a bunch of words on the pages, you need consistency and a goal.

It is impossible to create anything that will be liked, wanted and understood by everyone on the planet. We are different. We prefer a different type of bread. Of course, we won’t need the same amount, nor type content.

Even before you ask yourself how to write an e-book, you should know who is it for.

E-book Promotion

If you are creating your e-book in order to get leads, and you are striving to get emails with it, the best place to promote your E-book is where your target audience will see it. Therefore, do your best for the book to be well promoted and visible on every (suitable) page of your website.

Of course, if you’ve answered the question of how to write an E-book, and have created something of true value, you can use all the other available channels to promote it. That way, you’ll get even more leads.

The Title

The book title shouldn’t be anything misleading or clickbaity. If you choose to use such ‘marketing’ tactics, what you’ll end up with is a much bigger number of downloads/purchases but most of the people will feel misled, or even worse, deceived.

And another big portion of people who downloaded your book could be with a different customer profile, from the one that you are targeting.

Thus, the book title should be catchy, meaningful, and self-explanatory, at least for the people that the book is intended for.

If you need to use industry terms in the book title, don’t hesitate to do so. It is only fair for you and your audience to tell them what will be inside the book.

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Writing E-books, especially with the goal to make money, could make you face a number of problems. The main of which is the number of books published, and websites craving to get a little more traffic. Thus, the competition seems way to high.

On the other hand, the immense percentage of trash content published online convinces us in the opposite.

As already mentioned, there is always a place for valuable content.

Your self-published E-book can and will convert in leads, or sells, as long as you give your audience what they need, and when they need it.

Do you want to learn more? Here are a few interesting articles:

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