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4 Ways Your Website Can Get You A Job

by | June 6, 2018

Today I was thinking about my first personal website. I’ve never thought that a day will come when my efforts will be rewarded. Looking back at that time, I remember the fear that I won’t be able to write something every day (that was the goal), I feared that my copies were not worthy of attention. And furthermore, back then I didn’t know how to use WordPress.

Yet, I made the first step (I’ve chosen an ideal WordPress Hosting), and then tвhe second(I’ve made my first WordPress Installation).

Looking back in time, I am unable not to say ‘thank you’ to my younger self. For trying and acquiring the new skill, for the discipline, for the efforts. Thinking backward, it is impossible for me not to connect my first personal website to my current career.

I thought I’ll share with you why and how I think a personal website will help you to land a job. To do so, I’ll list the things it did for me, and thus, what I presume building a personal website could do for you.

1. You’ll Acquire New Skills

Landing a job is all about skills. And in today’s economy the more you understand the technology, the virtual world, and its economy, the more likely it is to get hired. Of course, there are a lot of other factors to consider, but still, it is crucial to at least understand the virtual world.

I firmly believe that if you get involved with any section of digital marketing, you won’t be able to part with it. It’s one of the most fascinating elements of our world. And furthermore, it will gradually enlarge your knowledge about technology, in general.

It is just so vast and interesting realm.

And you need to know that this knowledge won’t sink into the void. First, of, your personal website will get more attention and web traffic. That is the ‘instant’ gratification. The more people land on your website, the more motivated you will be to unfold its (and thus, yours) potential.

You can see where this is going. The more skills you acquire, the easier it will be for you to get a job.

2. A Personal Website is More Dynamic than a Resume

Once you get enough attention, employers, which are looking for someone with a profile like yours, will visit your website to get to know you. One article can show a lot more about your mentality and personality than a 15-minute job interview. And you’ll have a lot of articles. (I hope!)

A potential employer could get to know you without even meeting you in person, and detect where you’ll fit best in the team. By writing about what you care for and adding a portfolio of your projects, you’ll have a lot more versatile resume, than any piece of paper could be.

Read: How to Make an Online Portfolio

3. Demonstration of Expertise

Speaking of portfolio and articles, and the fact that your website by large will be your new resume, maybe it is good to mention the circumstance that it is better to show your best work. To express your expertise in any way possible.

Being a designer, shouldn’t stop you from talking (writing) about design. You can describe the thought process that stands behind your last work.

And, on the other hand, if you are better with words than you are with the brush, you may want to use them as wise as possible, but still not to limit yourself to only words. At least try to reinforce your them with images(only if possible, don’t push it).

Having a personal website is a great medium for you to demonstrate your expertise.

Learn: How to Make a Personal Website in 20 Minutes

4. Freelance Gigs

The sad truth is that your personal website won’t get you a job right away. But while waiting and gaining experience many doors will open in front of you.

Maybe someone needs a copywriter, or a designer, or a consultant. Whatever it is that you are demonstrating expertise in, it is possible for people that enjoy your work to, at one time or another, sporadically or constantly, offer you small freelance gigs.

And those gigs, will not only land you money, but will also enrich your portfolio, the number of people and business you worked with, and, of course, your experience. There are no negative sides to that.

To Wrap up

Nowadays the costs of creating and maintaining a personal website, are so low that…well, it could be free. You can choose a free hosting service, learn how to use WordPress, and make the first steps even if they are uncertain. For scholars, we offer a special Web Hosting for Students Plan, which will enable you to use our premium services free of charge during the first year. This will, of course, be the easiest part.

But even so, you do understand that in the time we live in, a personal website is more than just a website. It is a hobby, a resume, an ID card of your personality.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time with the experience that I got out of my first personal website, and to rethink whether I want to build it, I would say ‘yes’everytime. You know it is time for you to do the same.

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Prices starting at $2.99/year!
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