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“What Should My Blog Be About?” 5 Ways To Decide!

by | March 23, 2018

Blogging just like anything else in life comes naturally to some while to others it needs a special nurturing and developing. I kept thinking about that as a friend of mine was sharing her blogging insecurities over lunch last week. She, a talented writer and a passionate photographer, had fallen in one of those creative ruts we all know too well.

While starting a blog is a piece of cake once you go over the technical details, the creative process behind can be quite burdensome. “What should my blog be about?” is a question we often hesitate asking in our efforts to not look silly. And yet, way too often it’s the real question that needs answering.

You Are What You Read

Sometimes the most obvious truths are in fact useful for consideration. In the context of content creation, the truth of producing what you enjoy consuming is completely applicable.

In other words, to decide the subject of your future blogging endeavors, it’s helpful to turn to your own preferences of web content.

It all comes back right at your own interests and reflects your desire to engage with the field. Therefore, if you enjoy culinary blogs, for instance, it might be something to consider for your prospective blogging area. You’ve got the training, you’ve got the exposure, and most importantly, you love reading about it. However trivial this might sound, what you read is what you eventually become as an individual.

Area of Expertise

The mere fact you’re interested in something isn’t by itself a guarantee for your blogging success. Something much more important is your level of expertise in the field. After all, blogging is not only about sharing personal thoughts but also being able to remain informative and helpful throughout your writings.

To achieve this, reflect on your knowledge in the fields you’ve been particularly interested in. Who would benefit from your writings? Is it the newbie, the intermediate, or the advanced?

Being a blogger comes hand in hand with being a teacher. Thereby, choosing your blogging amplóa refer to your own proficiency in the field and the content you think most people would find useful.

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Local Preferences

While the internet has defeated our spatiotemporal limitations for good, there are still factors worth considering.

Your local community could become your prospective readers if you engage with issues concerning their everyday. Most importantly, winning a specific section of the total web audience ensures a constant visitors flow.

For example, more urbanized areas might be a great soil for fashion and lifestyle blogs while the rural ones could be perfect for food blogs. Nevertheless, taking the local preferences into account depends on your targeted audience. If you believe your content exceeds the time and space it’s created in, then you can be much more courageous in your choices.

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Research the Competition

Blogging is built on competition. We’re not merely talking about on-page SEO, we’re also talking about the enthralling power of words.

Even though you might think you know your field all too well, it’s always useful to get acquainted with the trending blogs. At least, for inspiration.

Eventually, what you need to strive for is doing better than your competition. This means combining strategies, exceeding the readers’ expectations and most importantly, spending more time on research. That will ensure you’re always one step ahead of your competitors.

To become distinctive and recognizable, you’ll need to spend as much time as you can on perfecting your blogging skills. With 65 million articles being published every month, your work can only survive the competition by standing out.

We’re not asking you to invent something completely original, however. Simply try to provide an additional quality in your blog: be it with your writing style, with your content, or with your attitude.

Dive Into It!

The craftsmanship comes with the experience, not with the learning. That’s why one of the most efficient ways to find out whether you need to blog about a certain topic is simply to jump into it.

With free hosting, you can afford to give blogging a try with zero investment. This means that you can start a blog, develop it to a point you’re happy with it and only then, transfer to a premium web hosting services.

Once you free yourself from the worries of getting it right the first time, you’ll allow your full creative potential to shine and unfold. Thus, at the uncertain point of starting a blog, considering free hosting could save you many troubles.

In conclusion

Nowadays, everyone and their brother is online. Not only everyone is online but also a large portion of people have blogs. This makes the blogging field a highly competitive area.

Nevertheless, people keep striving to create new and refreshing content. The satisfaction of being helpful and creative at the same time can’t be compared with anything else.

Leaving the offices and entering the virtuality, you need to be well-prepared. Especially, if you’re uncertain about the topics you want.

There are numerous ways to answer the life-long question What should my blog be about? but only some of them might work for you. From your passions to your knowledge, only through self- reflection will you find your own blogging heaven. Till then, dive into the waters and make sure to have fun!

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