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Starting a Blog? Here are The Two Mandatory Plugins – Yoast and WP-Optimize

by | October 23, 2019

We know starting a blog is always exciting but not necessarily easy or clear as an idea. People usually know they want to do something, they have thoughts and ideas, but when they start doing it, it’s common to miss things. That’s why for the technical part of creating a blog we’ll be glad to help you by explaining why there are two mandatory plugins that you need if you are building your website with WordPress.

Of course, you can always use another content management system for your needs, but WordPress is the most preferred one and we guarantee you will find it easy to work with, offering lots of customizable opportunities, and a friendly interface.

There are two important plugins for WordPress that you need to know about and you need to install to make sure you are provided the best possible features when working with WordPress and developing a great website.

WP-Optimize and Why You Need It

WP-Optimize is a revolutionary, all-in-one plugin that cleans your database, compresses your images and caches your site.”

The plugin is perfect for keeping your website optimized and fast as it’s a cache feature working as an effective tool. It allows you to clean your database, optimize it, gives you the option to compress your images and allows you to cache your pages for faster load times.

The database in your WordPress stores everything for your website whether you need it or not. That’s where WP-Optimize comes in handy – it clears out the unnecessary data (trashed/unapproved/spam comments, etc.), cleans up your tables and retrieves space lost to data fragmentation.

WP-Optimize also carries out automatic weekly clean-ups, automatically triggers a pre-optimized backup and shows database statistics and potential savings.

All of that is a must for your well and fast running website. It loads faster, it provides better performance for the users on it, and overall helps you keep a clean and optimized site where you can experiment, express, and evolve.

Furthermore, it makes space. Editing a post or a page leads to an automatically saved version by WordPress and if you edit multiple times something, then your database gets clogged up with old revisions that have no value for you. WP-Optimize removes the unnecessary and frees up space.

The best part is that the plugin can run an automatic clean-up on a schedule, and you don’t have to think about it all the time!

Yoast – Yes, Please!

For all of us that SEO matters (and it should be all of you too) Yoast is a great saver! If you are interested in driving traffic to your website that’s organic, you simply need it. It works for the search engine result pages as it shows your meta headline, meta description, and slug the way you want them to be. As well as that, it gives you insights about your SEO performance.

How Yoast works is you provide the tool the keyword you chose for a certain post or page, and it calculates the percentage that word is mentioned, it checks for headline positioning of the word (as well as meta mentioning of it) and runs through the whole text for other significant matters. For example, is the text written well, is it structured well, are you using enough transition words, and many more.

All of that can help you create great posts and pages that are good for the user experience and for the search engines. As SEO is working for a website’s growth, consider everyone is obsessed with it. This means you should carefully choose the best options for you that will help you compete with the competition. Yoast is definitely the perfect solution for that!

Just Starting?

It’s okay if you are just starting your personal website, blog, business webspace, or else. Everyone starts from somewhere and that’s why we are trying to help. These two plugins – WP-Optimize and Yoast, are important, we do recommend them. However, if you want to try something new or different, feel free to experiment. We all learn from our mistakes or from our successes. Just don’t forget to share with us the results!

WordPress is a powerful solution to the webspace, but it needs support from its plugins. Just as you need the support from your hosting provider to run your website perfectly. Haven’t decided about that yet? Check out AwardSpace’s free hosting plan and paid hosting services.

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