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5 Things You Should Include in Your Personal Blog

by | June 11, 2019

Things that should be included in a personal blog

Starting a personal blog is a desired decision by many people that have interest in lifestyle changes, food activities, any opinions wanted to be shared, literature expressions, or anything really that a person wants to share with others and have a good impact on them.

However, often people are more concentrated on their thoughts and desires that they want to share and mark, that they unintentionally forget or neglect. The truth is if you want a successful blog and not only an online space where you post something irrelevant, then you need to give it a thought. It’s important to face and accept the valuable tactics and responsibilities.

What is it that you can be missing? Before you post your website online and wait for results, take a look at the following significant points of every good blog.

Strong Messages

Let’s start with one of the most valuable parts of your personal blog. Your message. What your blog is about is your basis. But what you want to get to your readers is the essence. The idea of the whole website should tell something specific, it should have meaning, it should be strong, and appreciated. It could be a point that you want to prove, advice you want to give, tips for a series of other things – doing, achieving, stopping, or whatever really.

How you create your headlines, topics, and bullet points is how you will have the most impact on people. Yes, if they are interested, they will read the content and be influenced by it, but the strong messages are the ones that will have more power. If you are interested in improving your writing skills, don’t hesitate to take actions about it!

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About Мe or a Short Bio

You must have by now already figured that you need to have a page dedicated to you, your mission, and what you are about to fight for with your blog. This is going to be your tribune. Your place to shout out. Where your message should be the loudest, clearest, and most compelling.

Your bio could be basic and include specifics about you – age, country or city you live in, relationship status, basic topics you are going to cover, how often you will post, or else which is similar to what companies include in their About us page. But it can also be an expression of your beliefs and goals. It can be personal, touchy, and even poetic. Don’t be afraid to call out your inner copywriter and give it a cape.

Categories or Tags

Even if your personal blog isn’t going to include many different from each other posts they should still be categorized or at least put in different tags. When users visit a website, they have to be well oriented in the content it has in order to have a good experience. Figure out a way to choose the best categories for what you have planned to post.

But also, be careful to not overdo that. There are websites that have too many categories and users find it difficult to get to what they are looking for. This is a common mistake that increases the bounce rate and leads to less traffic. And you don’t want that!

Call to Actions

Conversion rate is as important for a blog as it is for any other website. Whether you want people to order an item you are selling or to subscribe to your monthly emails, it is still an action you are asking them to take. And this is a tricky and very valuable moment in your blogging.

Call to actions are the buttons you put on your pages that get users’ attention and their success is measured by all of those that clicked and finished the process they were asked to. This means you will get people that are engaging, they are trusting you, they find your content interesting, you are growing. This is pure success.

A lot of bloggers don’t use call-to-action buttons as they think they don’t need them but it is an essential moment once they realize they really do. Tell users what you want from them. Make those buttons visible, big, compelling, simple and easy to understand and you will find users answering.

Social Buttons and Options

For a blogger to be successful it is mandatory to be present on social media channels. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, maybe Quora, and Reddit, or any other platform they find convenient, they need to share the content. Not only to raise awareness of it, but also to get people’s engagement, to get closer to them, start conversations.

Being present on social media means you should also connect it to your personal blog. Put share buttons, like, pin, or others. You can even add plugins that display your Instagram photos or comment directly from Facebook to a certain page from your website.

In Conclusion

A personal blog requires your dedication and precise touch. You should shout out clear messages that carry your most important thoughts. It should also include a page about you that will tell users where they are, who they are about to read for and understand it better. Furthermore, add categories that will make the user experience better, call to actions to get those users to do whatever you want them to. And last, but not least, definitely have social media association. Buttons, comments, or shares. It will all work in your best interest.

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