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Create the Best Product Page and Win Customers

by | April 10, 2019

Creating a product page for your website is not only a way to win customers but a way to present your products in a way that they can tell a story. They can attract, have an influence, and be meaningful to others. That bond that is built between you and your website visitors is essential and crucial to your business.

30% of consumers say they would rather buy from a website they’ve bought from previously. This statistic itself should be a motivation to create a website that will make people come back, trust you, and when in doubt, to choose to buy from you.

In order to build that trust, there are a few mandatory points to be followed and taken into account. Of course, it would need your personal touch to make everything seen from your perspective and with your values on sight.

Website Product Page Requirements

Before I go deep into the specifics and the preferred options for creating the best product page, you certainly need to know the basics.

Now, you may think the following are necessary for all website pages, and you wouldn’t really be wrong. Especially, if you are working with WordPress and the plugin Yoast that is great for SEO, it tells you how long your meta should be, is your title okay. Before you start learning more about how to make a website and a product page, make sure you chose the right free website hosting services to do so. And now, here is why you need to carefully think the following through.

First, the URL of your page is something to be highly considered. When you write them clearly and meaningfully, it will result in your CTR. If you appear in SERP next to a website with URL that looks kind of like GA%21FQS*E you can be sure, users will click on yours. When you have different categories or defining pages, it’s important to make sure they are following the user experience. For example, Men>All Clothing

Speaking of categories and leading text that defines, the same pretty much goes for the titles of the product pages. Don’t stuff keywords into one sentence just to be liked by Google. The truth is, Google might read it, but users won’t. They prefer clear titles that show what is it that will be found on the page, without extra adornments.

On Page Details

It’s really important to be careful when you are uploading images to a product page. Not just because you need high quality and alt description. Showing a product is not just about the product, but the message that is being sent, the friendliness of the picture, and the elements that will influence. Just a kind reminder, make sure you have shots of all the angles of the product you are selling.

One more substantial thing is making sure you have well positioned the options for colors and sizes. If you are an e-commerce store that has those available, then you should definitely provide option menus, or develop in a user-friendly way people can choose their preferred colors and sizes.


Product descriptions are sometimes more important than the items themselves. A product page is your sales page, it’s marketing, and it’s people being convinced they need something. And they need your something.  The way you present a product should be compliant with the desires of the customers. But sometimes, people don’t need something, that’s when your writing comes in hand. Here are the few essentials to best presenting.


Of course, the most important one is what impact you will have on people. If you make them feel, they will feel the need of you too. In advertising, there are affections always used. Like love when you give Merci to a favorite person, like the anger, when you break your car and you need a new one. Or annoyance when you are sick of something that always misses, or whatever other feelings they are. It’s how everything works.

So, find a way to get people to feel they will be better if they have your product, they will get something in return. They will be more loved, they will look better, they will attract more, they will make their daily routine easier, they will cook easily, they will change something great that will save them time. The value you add to an item is essential to making them feel like they are at an advantage.

You are giving them something extraordinary, they can’t find it elsewhere, it’s going to change their life. You are selling, but they are actually gaining. That last one is the key to the right product management.

Sense of Physical

Going on with ways to influence people with product description, adding a sense of physical brings a great touch to everything. What does it mean? Can you imagine drinking coffee in Costa? It smells like freshly milled coffee beans, machines running, the steam of milk in the air, cozy sofas, people reading books, eating chocolate biscuits or French croissants. Get it? The description makes you feel like you are there, in person, you can see it, you can feel it, you can even smell it.

If you can do that with your products, it will create a feeling of people not buying something online, but being right there and touching the item. The number one reason people shop online is that they can shop 24/7. And when they are not in your coffee shop, remind them how it smells like.


Statistics show that the more information you add to a description, the more people are trusting it and interested in buying. But this for sure doesn’t mean you should fill the whole pages with information that never ends. User experience is something I won’t stop mentioning. They need to see trustworthy details but not too many texts that they don’t have time reading. Get them to buying! They didn’t land on your pages to read a book.

Cross-sell and Upsell

This is actually one of my personal favorite tactics in advertising and product selling. Here is what is upselling and the difference between it and cross-selling, slight but meaningful.

Cross-selling gets you to buy something extra as an addition to your purchase. Just like at McDonald’s they ask you if you want fries with your burger.

Upsell is the room with a view in the hotel you booked, for just 20$ extra. You don’t need it, but it’s better. Why not have it? You deserve it.

Those two are always working. The customer wins something more and better, and you… earn their money.


To create the best possible product page, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your buyers. Ask yourself “Why would I want to buy it?”, “What would convince me to do it?”. Then write the best product descriptions and win your users’ trust.  Don’t forget people are more likely to buy something from a website they had bought previously. If you get their attention once, next time it will be a little bit easier. That’s how businesses grow, that’s how you get your desired and deserved success.

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