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How to Effectively Save Time on Content Writing

by | August 22, 2019

How to Effectively Save Time on Content Writing

Creating content can be really time-consuming especially when it is done right. Copywriters tend to spend time for research, for creating the right beginnings and closings, time for writing, editing and presenting the best possible final content.

But this is not the only time-consuming part of the process. Before copywriters start, they need to decide what the topic will be, what keywords they’d focus on, and much more that is part of the process.

And when blogs or websites, in general, are managed by enthusiastic entrepreneurs, we know they have a lot on their plates. That’s why we have selected a few tips that will help you effectively save time on content writing.

Fortunately, there are great and successful ways to save time and improve the process while still manage to complete all of your other tasks and provide good quality content on the web.

1. Focus on Value

It’s not a secret that SEO has driven us more often than the urge of just creating content. Website management includes the fight for SEO, and this leads to the creation of tons of content that generates every other day. This could be good, of course. But it is not always necessary.

You need to know that high-quality content that is mostly useful for the users, is of much importance than the quantity of content for Google because it finds it empty for the audience.

With that said, keep in mind that it is also important to keep your consistency. Whether you decide to post two times a week or four, just stick to it. Releasing content at the same time each week is good for the audience, and skipping weeks just doesn’t keep that audience around.

How to Effectively Save Time on Content Writing

2. Have a Content Calendar

Speaking of consistency, the best way to keep it and create great content on a regular basis, is to put together a content calendar.

It will help you create a clear plan and organize your time. Not only that but if you pick some topics in advance, you will find it a lot easier when the moment comes to just open your calendar and write whatever you previously chose to write about.

It’s much more efficient to spend some time to plan a month in advance, for example, rather than spending a lot of time to think about a new idea each day.

Each month you can set aside time to plan your approach, research time, choose your keywords, make a cluster of them, and think of the topics.

This will help you provide quality content that your buyer persona will read and at the same time, save you time on content writing.

How to Effectively Save Time on Content Writing

3. Edit and Refresh Existing Content

Content writing for blogs regularly doesn’t always mean that it has to be new. Sometimes going through your old posts can be very useful in many ways. First, of course, you can bring them up to date and edit, but also you can use them as ideas for topics you can explore further and enrich.

Or you can just refresh your old blog posts and change details, add descriptions, storytelling, or whatever else you think of.

This will make the content more relevant to your users’ searches and desires to read up-to-date articles as well as going with what is trending currently, but also – save you a great amount of time on content writing!

Read also: How to Improve Writing Skills and be a Better Writer

4. Create Topic Cluster Content

Topic clusters are multiple pieces of content that are grouped by a shared topic and related subtopics. For example, you have the main article that consists of many bullet points, and then for each bullet point, you start writing a new article by going deeper into the niche.

This kind of content writing is great for many reasons. It is good for SEO, for user experience, and for keeping a useful and valuable blog. Not only that but by creating the main topic, you get many new smaller articles to write and all of a sudden, you have a full content calendar for the next month. And we all know, blog topic ideas are not always easy to find.

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5. Think About Outsourcing or Invite Guests

Regular content creation, as we already pointed is mandatory for the good of a website. We all know the steps. You get your free web hosting, you build your online space, and then you create a website blog to keep that website alive.

And this can sometimes be hard since you could lack ideas, lose from time to time inspiration, go on business trips, or just find it hard to keep up with work. That’s okay. There are other ways to provide consistent content.

Inviting someone to write for you – outsourcing it, or asking a guest – a particular person you think will be interesting for your audience. This is not only going to save you a lot from your time but also keep things intriguing for the users that read your posts.

In Conclusion

For effectively managing a website, there are many aspects to be considered. And one of that is saving time and using it at full capacity for important matters. To do that, it’s good to start from content creation by the few tips we shared with you.

To sum up you need to focus on value and not sharing constantly posts that are not worthy to your audience; creating a calendar to organize your time and have topic ideas in advance; refreshing old posts by bringing them up to date; writing topic clusters and outsourcing or inviting friends that can help you get to the final result – interesting and quality online content.

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