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[Online Presence] 7 Signs That You Are Performing Better Than You Think

by | Oct 20, 2017 | Entrepreneurship

We, humans, are full of doubts. That’s especially true when our work is publicly available. Thus, other people can evaluate it. We are deeply scared someone might not like what we’ve created.  And if people don’t like what we are doing, why do we even bother?

What’s the point?

Being confident is one thing, but being overconfident is another. While having a decent level of confidence is way better than not, being overly confident can make more harm than good.  Furthermore, a level of uncertainty is a sign of higher intelligence.

Except in case you are well known and widely recognized expert, a level of doubt is a must.


performing better


Still, if the pendulum swings too much in that direction, you can find yourself unable to perform. Thus, I figured you might need a motivational push.

There are lots of signs that you are online presence is better than you think. In this article we’ll examine a few of them, just to put you in the mood.

Surely, there are some signs which are true for you personally. Thus, you’ll have to dig a bit deeper to find them.

Let’s examine the selection I’ve made, feel free to complete the list in the comment section below.


1. You Are Online

This one is obvious.

However, there are lots of people capable of creating great content, but they prefer not to.

The reason behind this we can only guess. It could be fear of rejection or failure. It could be fear of success(yes, that exists).

performing better

Still, they are not online, which is a huge mistake.

The reason for some people not to be online could be entirely different from what we assume it to be.

Whatever their reasons are, you are a step further.

You are online.

You own a website. Furthermore, you are constantly updating it.

You may create and upload something new every day, once a week, or once a month, but still, you are out there and disciplined enough to create and share something with your audience.


2. You Learn Something New Every Day

performing betterWe are learning while we are alive. But there are different types of learning.

You can find out that August is the month in which most babies are born, or how to bring more traffic to your website. It’s up to you to decide what you want to learn.

By having you here, I presume that you care more about your traffic. Thus, I also presume that every time you are taking care of your website, you learn something new.

It could be a new web tool that helps you to get more traffic. Or a new and better way to create your content. Or, maybe, you’ve just learned how to market yourself on social media websites.

Learn: Speaking of learning, check out our WordPress Tutorials.

If you’ve decided to be online, you probably know that this is not something you do once. A website, like a pet, or a child, insists for you take care of it.

The important thing is never to stop learning. And you are learning. Daily.


3. You Are Consistent

We’ve already marked that. And, surely, you knew it already.

Your website will only grow when you take care of it. Not once in a while, not once in a month. You need constancy. You know it. And you are doing it.

It is true that there are way too many websites. But a lot of them are not even completed.

You’ve built your website, and you are looking after it daily.

You are consistent.

You are already three steps ahead.


4. You Have Traffic

That one, I believe, is also obvious. If people want to see your website, content, and work, you are performing better than you probably performing betterbelieve.

If you have a decent amount of persistent traffic, it is clear that what you are doing is appreciated.  Furthermore, people want to see more of it.

You have to find a way to track your website’s traffic, how many of the users are coming back, how much time they spend on your website, and where exactly are they spending that time.

Read: How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress


5. You Have a Fanbase

To have traffic is one thing, having a fanbase is another. While people may stumble upon your website through different sources and paths, it is way better to have at least some of them deliberately open your website.

The more often, the better.

Once you build a fanbase, you, again, have to take care of it. It is pretty much like a relationship.

But since you’ve created a fan base, just continue doing what won them in the first place.

And yes, they are looking for the content you are creating.


6. People Share Your Content

Are people sharing your content on social media, forums, or on their personal websites? If so, this is an undeniable tale-telling sign to prove that you are on the right track.

In social media, we only share information that we hope will make us look better in our friends’ minds. Therefore, if people share your content, they believe in your work.

Frankly, whatever and whenever we share it, we do so with the assumption that other people will see it and will think highly of us.


performing better


7. You Are Changing People’s Lifes

It is hard to change someone’s life by writing articles. However, it’s possible to do so.

If you are making tutorials, you will change the perspective of your users on the topic.

Making reviews? You will help your users to make better decisions. Thus, saving them money, time, or both.

If your content saves any resources for your clients, you are doing a great job.

Learn: How to Get Free Domain Name


To Conclude

By any means, being online is hard. To do it right, you have to invest time, effort, and knowledge. Furthermore, you are required to have business flair, discipline, motivation, and many other qualities.

But you already knew that. You’ve already built your website and you are consistent enough to maintain it.

The point is, don’t get discouraged by not reaching the overly optimistic goals, you started with.

The path to success is in front of you, and you are making a little step every time you post a new article.

Don’t stop.

As one of my favorite sources has put it good enough is good enough.


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