Marketing is a vast topic. Yet, the basics are easy. Learn to distinguish SEO from SEM and create appealing ads. Thanks to our guides, you will be able to use the marketing tools, available on the Internet, to your advantage.

How to Improve Writing Skills and be a Better Writer
Being a writer is not like being an engineer, a doctor, or a mathematician. It’s not science that can be learned or thought. However, it is something that can be improved in many ways. To become...

Why are Customer Insights Important and What to Do with Them?
When you are running an online business, often different occasions appear when you have to adapt, you have to learn and improve yourself even if you are many years on the market. Everything evolves...

What is Storytelling in Marketing and How to Do it Right?
Within the pagan beginning of human nature lay the deeply rooted beliefs in the inherent determinism of the processes in the world. This view not only assigned the responsibility for all the...

How to Create a Successful Blog in 2019: A Quick Guide
In the age of intense battle for influence and data, a new generation of media presence was born - that of bloggers. Blogging, however, is much more than being an influencer or trendsetter. It is...

SMO – Social Media Optimization Strategy for Your Website
SEO is spreading around so fast that it’s time to start thinking about SMO now. New for you? Well, you know what it is about, you just probably didn’t know it’s now called Social Media Optimization...

Which Domain Extension is Best for SEO?
A sudden realization that it's mid-January now and all the resolutions I've made at single midnight are slowly becoming a reality, gave me a surprising sense of pride and dedication. It turned out...
Latest posts:
What to Include in Your Zero Waste Blog?
Zero waste has been spreading all over the Internet and through our daily talks, our minds, and our thoughts. People keep focusing on it more and more each day. And they should be. This inevitably turns into a trend in blogging and now influencers use their platforms...
Lazy-Loading to All Images by WordPress 5.4 in March
WordPress is one of the most rapidly developing platforms on the Internet that exceeds all expectations daily. Millions of users tend to expect improvements all the time and WordPress answers. The latest news announced is that WordPress 5.4 will feature image...
Social Media Marketing: How to Use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Brand
As we entered the new decade, we expect Facebook to turn 16 this year. This means that there are hundreds of thousands of adolescents (around 18 years old) that never actually had the chance to perceive the world as a place, where The Social Network didn't exist. Of...
What Types of Blogs Will be Trending in 2020?
With blogging becoming more and more practiced worldwide, it’s only fair we take time to focus on it and how it will change in the following 2020. Starting with a great and important stat - 77% of internet users now read blogs or have subscribed to at least a few....
New Year – New Website. Where to Start?
With the start of every year, our goals expand even more each time. We have ideas, we are motivated, and we have a plan of what exactly we want to achieve during the next twelve months. Even though we don’t always follow them through, our intentions are real and pure....