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5 Ingredients for Cooking a Creative WordPress Portfolio

by | October 30, 2018

WordPress Pportfolio

Who said cooking is only for meals? Sure, we love some nicely done pasta, but we also love to cook interesting content, create beautiful websites, and award you with creative ideas.

This is why the special of today’s menu is the preparation of a creative WordPress portfolio!

The digital world has us preparing everything online now. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a job as a freelancer if you’re looking for employers, or clients, or you simply want to have an online portfolio for when someone wants to check your work.

When it comes to graphic designers, photographers, painters, film-makers, or all other art-oriented people, the web is a perfect place to collect the creativity.

Before we start cooking, we need to have the oven ready. There’s no point in giving you tips for creating the best WordPress Portfolio if you don’t have the space for it yet.

So, get familiar with this article first and you’ll be ready, knowing how to make an online portfolio.

WordPress Portfolio

1. Set Goal and Determine Purpose

Here’s step one. Determine your purpose. What do you want to tell the world? And the taste you want it to have? What flavor? Volume? Set every goal you have and turn it into a plan.

Having a plan is always my advice because it really helps the process. At first, it really is boring to create it, but when you do, it gets so much easier to follow. Step by step, you turn your purpose into realization.

Think of all the reasons you’re starting in the first place. Are you applying for a job or are you looking for clients? Think of the essence of the area you’re going to evolve in. Does it presuppose that you are creative or calmer? What feeling is it supposed to leave in people?

Make sure you take time for your audience segmentation too. When you have a clear idea about what your audience will look like, you’ll know what they want. Try to look with their eyes. Imagine for a minute you’re just a user. What do you want to see on this website?

I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but they’re just orienting you to what your purpose and goals have to be. I can’t know them for you. You’ll have to figure it out! Hurry up, the oven is getting warmer.

WordPress Portfolio

2. Brand Your Work

You probably think that you’re just one person and you don’t need this, but you’re wrong. It doesn’t matter the quantity; what matters is you need to think of yourself as a company. Don’t fear about creating a brand.

Assuming you already have a domain name, considering you created your WordPress site, now the next step is to create your logo. This way you’ll bring a unique touch to your work.

It’s the cherry on the top of your cake. Although, we aren’t really cooking a cake, are we? Let’s just say it will be the sign you need to light your work.

After that, think for the design of your website. What colors are you going to include, how are going to combine them. figure out the themes you’re going to use.

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To be honest, that’s one of the most important parts. The theme you choose will make your online WordPress portfolio look the way you want. So be careful with your choice.

To help you with that, here are a couple of useful articles:

5 Essential Web Design Trends in 2018

The 4 Mistakes in Web Design You Should Always Avoid

3. Keep Your Focus on Work

If you are creating an online WordPress Portfolio, I can only assume your work is your passion. This is a plus for you, but it should not distract you from your purpose you set in the beginning. You don’t want to burn your food, right?

It’s very important that your site is easy to navigate and simple for use. You don’t want to take the concentration from the visitors of your website away. Keep their focus on your work too!

Furthermore, don’t share unnecessary content. If it’s not connected to your art, there is no place for it on your WordPress portfolio. This doesn’t mean you have to create something boring. Of course, you can use your creativity but don’t step out of your way. Know your priorities.

WordPress Portfolio

4. Insist on Quality

There’s a difference between WordPress portfolio and profiles on social media or personal blogs. While on one it’s important to post often and share interesting content with followers, on your portfolio the quality is more important than the quantity.

You have to gather yourself with some extra patience. Just like waiting for your meal to be ready, your portfolio will take time too. You’re probably not going to attract a lot of people at the beginning, but after a while, the substance will speak for itself.

Don’t forget to share good quality photos, well-written headings, and the best samples of your work. You’re trying to impress people, so keep this in mind.

5. Be Regular and Consistent

The specialty about the online WordPress portfolio is that it’s not a static site. You can and you have to, share new work and update from time to time.

The plus is, if you want to make it interesting and add an extra flavor to it, you can create a blog. This will keep your portfolio alive and people will continue checking it.

Starting a blog helps with SEO improvements. It will get you in higher positions in the search engines, it will make your personal brand more popular, especially compared to the competition.

If you need inspiration, you can think of different ways to be useful for your readers. Maybe share how-to-s explaining to ways you’re doing what you’re doing, showing some behind the scenes photos, even a step by step guide.

WordPress Portfolio

In Conclusion

Creating a WordPress portfolio should be an interesting and exciting thing to do for you. It is after all hopefully – your passion, and the process has to be fun. So, make sure you enjoy your time creating a beautiful and meaningful portfolio which will touch your future customers or employers.

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