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5 Ways to Stay Inspired the Whole Year

by | December 19, 2019

As December comes to its end, the new year’s resolutions come along. They take over your thoughts, wake up in your mind when you want to go to sleep, and bring you a silent coffee as you wake up. They are always there. Questions and thoughts alternate with promises and goals. Big goals. A lot of goals.

At one point you almost forget it’s the Holiday season and you are spending it thinking way ahead. But we all know that’s not going to stop. So, if you are going to be overthinking anyway, at least do it the right way. Here is how.

Remind Yourself Why You Do What You Do

I might now find you at any path you’ve chosen and at any point you’ve come to. But wherever you are and whatever you are doing, stop for just a quick second and remind yourself why you are doing it and where you are going.

Whether you are an entrepreneur on their way to making a dream come true, or you are a beginner building a website and learning what WordPress plugins you need, you know you have an end goal. Why do you want to do that? What brings you joy, what are you trying to achieve, and what do you want to happen on your way to that?

This will help you bring back motivation when you find yourself at the end of January thinking you are not yet where you wanted to be in 2020. It will remind you time is ahead and you are going towards your dreams.

Make Generating Ideas a Habit

If you want to stay inspired the whole year maybe one of the mandatory things to know is you are simply not going to be inspired all the time. That’s when motivation comes along. At those moments you need to motivate yourself and your mind to work in spite of your doubts.

At some points you can see that you have no ideas and this shouldn’t stop you or demotivate you. Quite the opposite. You need to make a habit of generating ideas and brainstorming with yourself so that you can turn any “stuck” moment into just a time when ideas will have to be embraced.

Planning, writing down, and following a schedule can be more than helpful for that. Make it a monthly task to sit down and think of new ideas. If you have more, write them down for the next month. This way you will find your inspiration in them and they will drive you.

Explore All the Time

With reading, new ideas come. By learning, new horizons appear. And with every new fact explored, your mind opens even more. Successful people never stop studying. It could be watching the evening news, reading the newspaper, diving into a new book, or opening up an old encyclopedia. Whatever it is, information needs to always find its way to you. You never know what can inspire you. Some days even the lyrics of a song can trigger something and give you new insights, new concepts or sense of something unexpected.

Furthermore, be curious. Never think you know everything. Even if you have been doing what you are doing for a long time. Always keep your mind open for new innovative information to come along and change your course.

Change Your Big Plan to Small Daily Tasks

Everything big, divided to small parts is no longer that scary big. If you have amazing goals but you can’t imagine them becoming reality any time soon, then divide that into small goals you will be able to even make a timeline to when you will reach your aim.

You want to earn X amount of money in the next year? How much is that per month? How much is that per week? And then what can you do to make that money in a week? Start small. Write down some daily tasks and think of all the things that will get you closer to the big dream.

And trust me, realizing you are working every day to make that dream come true, is a huge inspiration boost.

Stop Worrying and Enjoy Your Journey

One of the most common mistakes people make is worrying too much, overthinking, focusing on their goal and forgetting the journey to getting there is also something to enjoy. Inspiration is a state of mind that emotions trigger. When you are excited, when you are satisfied or motivated, this immediately increases your inspiration.

Don’t lose that. Take your time to appreciate what is changing in your life and cherish every moment of it.

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